here for you • nadja

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summary: one thing led to another left you feeling sad and distant today, it is up for your wife to turn your frown upside down.

a/n: (not with lazslo in this one im sorry), also quite short & idk if it helps lmao, this is my attempt on cheering yall up + not my best work but i need to publish smth :(

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sighing, you walked straight to the shared bedroom, pass the living room and the curious glances your vampire buddies sent you.

totally unaware of the look Nadja sent your way. you've hunged your head down, something she always told you not to do and the sluggish walk youre doing is so out of character coming from you, something must be wrong.

without any second thought she raised herself from her beloved chair and rushed to catch up with you

"darling?" she called out to you, which she know you heard as your footsteps faltered, a sniff and some seconds later you responded

"y-yes?" she could feel her heart being broken to pieces, you've sounded so small, so fragile.

she walked closer to where you stand, the more closer the more she could see your beautifull yet teary eyed face.

your eyes were darting anywhere but her face, you looked tired so so tired, tears were flowing down your pretty cheeks as she took you by the hand.

"oh my dear, come here" her hands brought warmth to your cold and wet ones as she led you to your shared room, opening the door for you.

once you were inside she hugged you close, which kind of took you by surprise you know your wife Nadja and you know how shes not really into physical affection.

often times rather than flinging your body into her (battling your urges to) you'd comply with giving her a peck on the cheeks instead or a squeeze by the hand to show her that you respect her space and that wouldnt stop you from loving her.

but sometimes it made you forgot that she would overcome her boundaries and infancies just to make you feel pleasant or loved too, out of all the people youve encountered and the relationships youve been in youre glad you took your forever promise with her.

"im all ears for you dear, whenever youre ready" she said lowly and carefully as if you would pop like a balloon if she didnt.

after a certain while of just sitting there ontop of the rug in your shared room, your tears has lessened, your breathing has calmed and you're ready to talk.

you've probably made more than a million talks with your wife with more than a million topics. you've shared to her your worries, your insecurities, your sadness and your dislikes yet not a single time where you that your feelings doesnt matter.

never would there be a time where your feeling are unvalid or ridiculed. Nadja's always understanding and tries her best to make you happy.

how small or big your issue is you'll get it done, with Nadja supporting you through it.

after telling her the cause of your discontent Nadja sat there infront of you, taking it all in. her hand waves up and down on yours an action that speak louder than words.

"youre being very very strong my love, im absolutely fucking proud of you" Nadja said her eyes never left yours, her hand reached to the tip of your chin as her finger waved in circles.

"we'll get through this together, you and me, i love you for eternity my rotten heart" without giving you any time to answer she leaned in to lock you on a kiss.

at the end of the day, you know youre in good hands knowing Nadja's there with you. no matter what.

seventh heaven • 𝒘𝒘𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒔 𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔Where stories live. Discover now