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As I stand in the dimly lit bedroom of my apartment, my attention is drawn to a sudden burst of light hitting my face. It takes me a moment to realize that it is coming from a scratch in the broken window nearby. The unexpected brightness catches me off guard and I can't help but feel a sense of shock wash over me. The first intuition that comes to my mind is to move closer to the window, taking a little peek at the sunset that sprouts from beneath the crammed clouds.

I can't help but smile to myself. A gentle breeze is blowing through the trees, making the leaves rustle and dance. It feels like the perfect evening to be outside, surrounded by people, and having a good dinner in front of me. Part of me is excited to follow the thoughts but at the same time, my body refuses to function any longer. So I huff in dilemma, closing the window behind me and walking towards the bed.


Ian: Hey there! How's everything? :)

"Oh, so I got a reply," I mutter in bafflement. I take my phone out of my bed, typing something to answer back. Typing something to reply to a stranger is not my usual thing, even if it is just a simple message. I'm not the kind of person who replies to messages promptly, not even my mom gets my reply on weekdays. But considering that I need a friend or two, I think this is exactly what I should do.

Eve: A bit tired today tbh bcs I just finished my morning shift :(

Ian: That does sound very weary
Ian: I suggest u to have a corndog for dinner, it's been pretty windy and all

Eve: Idk if u know Jongro or not but that's what comes to my mind when u mentioned corndog

Ian: Wtf of course I know Jongro! That's literally my fav place everrr
Ian: Pls don't send me any pic of corndog rn

Eve: HAHAHA I won't
Eve: I'm sure you're 100% Korean

Ian: You're lucky you're correct
Ian: 만나서 반갑습니다 :)

Eve: But you seem very American tho
Eve: Oh no pls don't do that to me I don't understand a thing 😖

Ian: LMAO why? Because I said I knew Jongro and speak english?
Ian: So you're not Korean, that's kinda sad :(
Ian: Anyway how do u know Jongro tho?

Eve: No, I mean your profile pic is very American style but in a good way
Eve: And no face pic, that's for sure
Eve: Well the first time I knew Jongro bcs my coworker introduced me and I ended up liking it a lot

Ian: Is that still a compliment or...
Ian: All right, make sense. Glad u know Jongro, it's fantastic

Eve: Oh cmon it is still a compliment
Eve: So you live in US?

Ian: Haha okay thank u eve :)
Ian: Yeah I do, but currently in a different country because of work
Ian: Kinda miss Jongro tho

Eve: Wow ur job screams way more weary than mine
Eve: Me too, I want to eat that but my body refuses to function. So I can't leave my room SADLY

Ian: Yeah it is pretty weary
Ian: Instant ramen to the rescue!
Ian: Pls say if you love shinramyun

Eve: You sure do love reassurance 😂
Eve: Ok I LOVE shinramyun, they're like, everything
Eve: IF that makes u feel better

Ian: YES!!! That definitely makes me feel way better
Ian: Shit I really need to make one later
Ian: Haven't had anything at all, my stomach is suffering rn

Eve: Then stop texting!! Eat!!

Ian: Controlling, love that.

Eve: Shut up 😑

Ian: 😂
Ian: All right we'll talk later, eve. Shinramyun comes first then you after

And I smile. That is actually... nice. I mean, it feels great to have met another Korean today, as if it is meant to be. It would be great to know which city in America he resides in and what type of job he has that requires him to travel. It must be an exciting opportunity to be able to explore different parts of the world and experience new cultures at the same time.

As I lay on my bed, I place my hand on my stomach, sensing the pangs of hunger starting to gnaw at me. I slowly get up, feeling a bit lightheaded, and walk to the kitchen. I turn on the stove and begin to prepare the exact meal that he has just instructed me to make. It is almost funny how he knows exactly what I need to eat, even when I don't. As I look at my rack, I notice only one packet of Shinramyun left and can't help but smile at the thought of how much he loves it and how badly he wants me to say that I also love this noodle as much as he does.

"Ian.. Cute name," I whisper to myself as I unpack the noodle's packaging.

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