Chapter 2: Helluva Debut

Start from the beginning

"Well, if it isn't the Princess's son, here in my club? You're far from home handsome

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"Well, if it isn't the Princess's son, here in my club? You're far from home handsome." Verosika said, as the teen blushed at being called handsome from such a beautiful demon, before he cleared his throat.
"Ahh... yes that, it's a rather long story, so let's just say I was on a walk and got rather curious after seeing the building." Jake said, getting Verosika to quirk an eyebrow with a teasing grin, as she stood and began to sensually walk towards him, as the teen took a sip of his bourbon.
"Fifteen and already drinking? Handsome, young, and can hold his liquor, you keep impressing me." The succubus said, as she began to walk around him, her right index finger running under his chin.
"You forgot, inverter, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist." Jake said, causing Verosika to stop in place with a snort.
"Did you just quote Tony Stark?"
"And proud of it, being that's all true as well." Jake said with a proud nod, getting a seductive giggle from the woman, as Jake felt her hands run over his back and shoulders, before feeling up his arms, and back to his waist and abs.
"And amazingly built, hot damn you're fine." The succubus said, getting the teen to blush brightly at the praise and her touch.
"Th-Thank you?" Jake asked hesitantly, not sure what to say, as Verosika laughed loudly.
"Damn kid, you're acting like it's your first time talking to a girl!" She said as she laughed, slapping the teens back, getting a nervous laugh in return.
"Yyeeaahh... Hahaha." Jake said nervously, getting the woman to stop laughing before she gasped.
"Is this really your first time talking to a girl?" Verosika asked.
"Try first time out of the gates and walls." Jake said, getting Verosika's eyes to widen.
"Wow kid, you must not have been around the rings at all, have you?" Verosika asked, getting a sigh and the shake of a head in response.
"Nope." Jake said popping the 'P' loudly, getting said Pop singer to frown.
"Well if you ever wanna just hang, here's my number and office address." Verosika said, before she began to write on a piece of paper and handed it to the teen, who took it, folded it, and put it in his chest pocket.
"Well I'm going to perform, are you gonna watch?" Verosika asked, getting a big smile and a nod.
"Fuch yeah!"
"Fuck yeah! Hahaha!" Verosika copied Jake, as she threw a fist up and began to laugh, getting the teen to roll his eyes and smirk.
"You sir, get to watch from backstage." Verosika said, as she stepped closer, her face inches from his as she gently ran her fingers under his chin, getting the teen to sputter and blush brightly.
Chuckling softly, she grabbed the teen's hand and led him out of her dressing room, and ran backstage.
"Okay cutie, stay here and be my eye candy." She said, before kissing his cheek softly, getting the teen to blush even darker and sputter again, causing the demon to smirk, before she turned and sundered on stage.

(Only video I could find of her singing.)
Jake watched in amazement, and awe, before hearing a chuckle from next to him, only to spot Tex chuckling at him.
"S-sorry, but she truly is amazing." Jake said, getting Tex to slap the teen on the back and laugh loudly.
"Haha! Don't worry about it kid, it's like that sometimes." Tex said, getting the teen to nod and smirk before he finished off his glass of bourbon.
"You want another kid?" Tex asked.
"Meh, why the fuck not." Jake said with a shrug, getting the Hellhound to laugh and take the glass.
"Atta boy! I'll go take this and fill it up." Tex said, as he walked out from the backstage exit, heading towards the bar as he continued to watch and enjoy Verosika's performance.
After a few seconds, Tex came back holding another glass of Bourbon on the rocks, getting Jake to raise the glass in thanks, as Verosika finished her song, and turned to the two with a sadistic grin.
"Ladies and gentlemen, we have a very special guest tonight." Verosika said, as she slowly walked towards the side of the stage with an extra sway of her hips, while she approached the teen, as Jake kept shaking his head, as she began to nod slowly.
"We all saw him earlier on the news, he's the Princess's son, let's give a big and sexy welcome to Jacob Mange!" She said, as she pulled him next to her, before she wrapped an arm around his shoulders, as the crowd cheered.
"Trust me, you'll get a lot of fame." Verosika whispered in his ear, getting a sigh, before Jake took the mic from her and walked towards the front of the stage holding his glass as he pointed towards the crowd with a large smile.
"Let me hear yah Lust Ring!" Jake called out, getting the crowd to cheer and scream, as Jake adopted a different persona.
"Huh?! I can't hear you!" Jake called out as, he cupped an ear and leaned down a bit, getting the crowd to cheer even louder than before, shocking Verosika and Tex at his adaptation of the situation.
"Tex bring me out two stools would you please?" Jake asked, as he took a sip of his bourbon, as Tex brought out two stools, as Jake sat one and called Verosika to sit on the one next to him.
"I hope you don't mind gorgeous, but I'm gonna steal your crowd for a bit." Jake said as he stuck out his tongue, as Verosika grinned and turned on a different mic before speaking into it.
"Go for it kiddo." She said, as Jake grinned and took a sip of his bourbon.
"Now, ladies and gents, I'm sure you all have questions on how I arrived here." Jake asked, getting people to cheer and some to whistle.
"Well, it's my first time out by myself, and I wanted to explore the ring a bit, and let me tell yah, I had quite the experience. I was mid walk when I saw a hooker giving head, as her baby was in a walker next to her facing the street." Jake said, getting the crowd to laugh and some to snort.
"So anyway, I was standing there, making faces at the baby making it giggle, and well I guess it made the mom laugh too because the next thing I know, the fucker was screaming his head off, saying the crazy bitch just bit his dick off, and I'm like 'Ayo?'" Jake said as he pulled his head to the side, and began to make an intrigued face like he was there watching it again, getting the crowd to laugh loudly, as Verosika giggled next to him.
"So while I'm watching this, the hooker turned and spotted me, freezing in place, and I swear to God people, THE BITCH STILL HAD HIS DICK HANGING OUT HER MOTHERFUCKING MOUTH!" Jake yelled out, as the crowd began to laugh even harder, as Verosika threw her head back and laughed, as even Tex snorted backstage.
Before suddenly the front doors were thrown open, and three Imps and a hellhound walked in.
"Where's that slutty pop star, parking spot stealing, cum whore?!" Yelled a loud and irritated male voice as the four walked towards the stage, and stopped before it as the taller imp pointed at Verosika.
"We had a deal!" The Imp yelled, getting Verosika to tilt her head towards Jake, as her eyes widened.
"Blitzo, read the fucking room." She said, her voice laced with authority, causing the group to turn and spot the teen who had a raised brow, before he took a sip of the bourbon in his glass.
"Your majesty!" The two shorter imps said simultaneously as they bowed, followed by a blushing hellhound.
"Oh Fuck, guys don't do that, I hate that, please stand up straight." Jake said waving his left hand, as the three slowly stood up straight.
"Please don't bow to me, I hate that kinda stuff, and please call me Jake." Jake said with a soft and warm smile, causing the hellhound to blush even darker.
"Well hi there honey, I'm Millie and this is my husband Moxxie." Said the now named Millie, causing Jake to smile.
"Awe congratulations you guys, that's awesome." Jake said before turning to the hellhound.
"And who's this beautiful young lady?" Jake asked, causing the hellhound to blush and fiddle with her hands.
"Hehe, h-hi I'm Loona." She said, as Jake slowly approached and took her left hand, before kissing the top of it.
"Well Loona, it's quite an honor to meet you." Jake said with a soft smile, before suddenly, the recently named Blitzo, slipped between the two and pushed Jake back a bit.
"Hey! Hey! Hey! You stay away from my daughter you Royal shit lord." Blitzo said, causing Jake to raise a brow and tilt his head, before turning to Verosika.
"What's a shit lord?" He asked as he blinked twice, obvious confusion on his face.
"It's an insult dumbass. What, never been outside before?" Blitzo asked, causing Jake to turn to them.
"Nope, this is my first time outside the gates and walls." Jake said, popping the 'P' loudly.
"Seriously?" Millie asked, getting Jake to sigh and nod.
"Afraid so, my mother is... Well rather overly protective you could say." Jake said, as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.
Before anyone could speak, the front doors were thrown open again as the two bouncers from the door flew into the room, as Charlie and Vaggie entered the club, Charlie in her demon form, and Vaggie with her spear.
Spotting her son, Charlie reverted back to normal and ran over to her son.
"Oh shit." Jake said, before he was pulled into a tight hug as he sighed, the side of his head pulled into his mother's chest as she rubbed her face into his hair.
"Hello mother, you know I've been gone for like... 4 maybe 5 hours now yah know." Jake said, as Charlie kissed his forehead.
"I know, but my baby boy wasn't answering my calls or texts, I was worried something happened to my baby." Charlie said, getting Jake to whine.
"How the hell did you find me anyway?" Jake asked, causing Charlie to push her two index fingers together.
"Well you know when you were little, and the family doctor came to visit and he made you go to sleep for a bit?" Charlie asked, getting Jake to raise an eyebrow.
"Yyeeaahh?" Jake asked.
"Weeellll I may or may not have had him put a chip in you." Charlie said, causing Jake to gasp and point at his mother.
"You have a fucking tracker chip in me?!" Jake asked in shock, getting a nervous chuckle from his mother.
"So that's how you always found me when I was little." Jake said with his cheeks puffed and he pouted, and narrowed his eyes.
"We are SO talking about this when we get home." Jake said, as Charlie smiled a bit, rubbing the back of her head sheepishly like her son did a moment ago.
"Wait you're leaving?" Verosika asked, getting Jake to look up at her from his spot on the dance floor.
"Afraid so my dear, shall we meet again?" Jake asked, getting the woman to smile and nod with a thumbs up.
"I better see you soon handsome." She said, before blowing a kiss at him, causing the teen to blush, before a tap on his shoulder gained his attention, getting Jake to turn and spot Loona looking nervous, as she gave him a piece of paper.
"U-uhm text me yeah?" She asked, getting Jake to smile and nod.
"You bet yah know... Fucking verbal ticks." Jake said excitedly at first, only to sigh after responding to Loona.
"You have a verbal tick? That is so cute!" Verosika said, getting Jake to blush madly.
"Okay I'm leaving now!" Jake said, as he began to march away with a blushing red face.

"And the bourbon was amazing!" Jake yelled out over his shoulder in a huff, as he walked away

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"And the bourbon was amazing!" Jake yelled out over his shoulder in a huff, as he walked away. Followed by a giddy Charlie, as Vaggie followed behind, before stopping at the door and turning back to them, before running a finger across her throat as she narrowed her eyes before leaving.

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