Chapter 12- Forget-me-nots

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i was not going to originally continue bcs, quite frankly, theres no theme and its literally become my mental state. But after the words of hanaya i realised smth. The purpose of this story was not to tell an exciting story, it isn't even there to tell one. THe purpose is simple. To have a source of happiness in the constant depression that is Miss Lleweas' face. this book is a source of happiness and unity in the crack group (i named it that) and therefore, i can simply not unofficially end this. So without a further ado, here is the 12th chapter.

(yes this is me being fucking over dramatic im tired ok and i want yoo jonghyuk to finally listen to dokja but he doesnt! OK?? and so i am being a shit here. deal with it)


"Let's go exploring!" Abu Al Bob ibn Al Robert had said. Hugh had agreed. Afterall, he could not hate the man... no matter how much he wanted to-


He reached the border of the campsite, staring into the sky above. Beside him was Yale and Abu Al Bob ibn Al Robert. He sighed. What he could've had was-

Suddenly, Brave appeared. He waved hello and, due to Abu Al Bob ibn Al Robert's charm, quickly joined the group. Hugh also sensed an unknown prescence. He couldn't quite place it but he knew that they were following him. He decided to not say anything, just to see what this being was watching them for.

Just as they were about to cross the border, Miss Fesuoy caught them sneaking out.

"What are you doing?" she said in her... Hugh couldn't place it but whenever the voice caught him offguard, he immediately felt hostile towards it, like it was being annoying. ( this has nothing to do with the plot i just dont like her voice sometimes)

Abu Al Bob ibn Al Robert flashed his eye lashes, his already innocent features changing to an even more innocent face. Perhaps this was Yale's type... angelic... something he was not... 

"I lost my mouse," Abu Al Bob ibn Al Robert's bottom lip quivered as he said it.

"I-... what?" Miss Fesuoy stared at him for a while.

Abu Al Bob ibn Al Robert covered his face, hiding an almost pathetic face, before exclaiming, "Yaol is lost!" 

Miss Fesuoy stared at him once more before coming beside him and patting his back, definately a quite awkward.

"I understand your pain... however I can't let you go outside,"

B-but," Abu Al Bob ibn Al Robert stuttered on his own words.

Hugh stared at the scene unfolding. It was really peculiar... so this angel was not an angel. He lied through his teeth and smiled to control others. Hugh stared at Abu Al Bob ibn Al Robert for a bit, looking at how Yale, Brave, Miss Fesuoy... looking at how everyone comforted him. Of course, he could understand Yale and Brave's intentions, they needed an allibi... but something was just so strange... the way Abu Al Bob ibn Al Robert's mouth twisted from sneer to smile in less than a second... or perhaps he was imagining things... why would he be sneering?

"Hugh, are you going to come?" Brave woke him up from this trance. He could feel the mysterious being nodding... as if finally understanding the graveness of this situation.

He nodded and smiled at them. If he was going to beat Abu Al Bob ibn Al Robert and take Yale back, he was going to have to play his own game against him. Hugh vowed to no longer cause mischief, instead he would play a greated scheme. 

Abu Al Bob ibn Al Robert smiled at him as MIss Fesuoy carried forward. He had convinced Miss Fesuoy to help him search. 

Hugh smiled back at Abu Al Bob ibn Al Robert. However, Abu Al Bob ibn Al Robert's smile wasn't a smile.

It was a sneer. 

Hugh clenched his fists and moved forward. 

The mysterious being followed him.

Whatever this was, this was a game. He was black and there were several white queens surround his only black pawn. Whatever was the case, he had to win. 

Hugh would change his pawn to a queen. Whatever it took, he would play the game itself and have the odds come into his favour. So he stepped forward. Miss Fesuoy in the front. Brave by his side and Abu Al Bob ibn Al Robert and Yale in the right, in their own little world. 

Brave's fingers grasped onto Hugh's. Brave was smarter than he thought. Hugh grasped Brave's fingers back and then quickly withdrew, as if to say 'not is not the right time for the plan'. Brave sighed and went in front with Miss Fesuoy, who looked rather pale, mumbling to herself that Miss Kuog would kill her if she found what she was doing. None the less, the persisted, calling out "Yaol," desperately. Abu Al Bob ibn Al Robert also called out his mouse's name from the side, though not as enthusiastically as Miss Fesuoy was. Yale smirked at Abu Al Bob ibn Al Robert as he did so. Brave called out a few "Yaol,"s but didn't really mae an effort to cry. It was only Hugh who remained fully silent. The unknown being was still following, he could sense it in the shifts of the leaves. He stayed quiet and followed.

Suddenly, there was a Yaol.

Suddenly, Abu Al Bob ibn Al Robert was lying on the floor, bleeding.

What the-

It was a mouse... no... that thing couldn't be called a mouse anymore... in face it was more rat-like... but not only was it more rat-like... it was also-

"It's the size of a bus!" exclaimed Brave, as if in awe of the creature in front of him. The rat gave out a mighty rawr before more of his features became disillusioned. Curly blond hair... white skin... a small brain.... it was-

"Laoy?" Yale was crouching beside Abu Al Bob ibn Al Robert, trying to sto the bleeding, staring at the rat with fear in his eyes.

"YOU WILL ALL DIE!" The rat with the face of Laoy cried.

"Step aside," It was Physica, and she was pissed. She had a sword in her hand and was glaring at the animal in front of her. The animal glared back. The unknown being was... Physica? Hug felt relieved. Physica lunged forward, trying to aim for the rat's snout, perhaps trying to blind him or something. 

Suddenly, Brave pulled Hugh out of the battle scene, gripped his shoulders hard and stared into his eyes, full of insanity and wild abandon.

"Let me propose a paradox," Brave laughed.

Hugh sighed. This was going to be a long day.

While Physica and the rat were fighting and MIss Fesuoy was lying on the ground from shock and Yale was trying to help Abu Al Bob ibn Al Robert up, Brave took out a board marker from his pocket.

"Let's say we exerted a force upon this pen-"

"That's a board marker,"

"Okay, but that's not the point-"

"Where did you steal that from anyways?"

As they argued, the rat ran towards them. Hugh and Brave stopped in place, as if to overwhelmed by the shock of the dirty, stupid thing running towards them.

Physica yelled out, "Does anyone had bread!? It's allergic to gluten!" 

But Hugh couldn't hear. Instead he closed his eyes and let the thing pierce his stomach.

And then, he fell. 

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