Chapter 7- Sadness and Happiness

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It was raining that day, that Sunday that Hugh came back. It had been a long time since he had seen water dripping down the leaves of the tree and even though they all pretended to be mature, no one could resist the wonder of rain. They stared out the window, at the drops running down and the trees' leaves glistening in the water.

It had been a quiet day for Hugh, despite being very loud. There had been a lot of messing about today, even the teachers were chill. In chemisty, they had done nothing but two questions with one worded answers, after which they proceeded to toss paper airoplanes and cranes the whole hour. They had even messed about in physics, but that was mostly due to the teacher not being there. Brave had gotten up and tried to be a teacher, only to the demise of serveral student's brains. 

Hugh hadn't messed about a whole lot, though. Instead, today, he observed. He observed Shaytan's haircut, which looked like a broccoli had been stripped naked, and Keys' weird habits that made Hugh think that he might actually have rabies. But the thing he noticed the most was Yale's sudden behavious change towards him. He would never go anywhere that Hugh wouldn't, would follow Hugh around everywhere, try to care of him every chance he got. Hugh had to admit, he liked this sudden attention. He liked the fact that Yale was caring for him, he liked the sudden warmth that entered the room every time Yale was there, he liked this sudden care that Yale felt for him.

Should he feel like this?

Should he feel this way for his friend? Should he want this? This sudden blooming... he couldn't tell what it actually was that was blooming, perhaps it was the distorted plant in his insides, or the redness in his cheek, or the happiness he felt that he couldn't quite grasp because he hadn't been exposed to it in a long time. And so he let this happiness take its course, and he let the fate's spin their web, and the day went on like he hoped it would be. Perfect. A blinding happiness that could've gone on, a utopia. 

And so the rain poured on, not symbolic of misery and pain that the showers of tempest brought, but a happy, hopeful beginning, full of sound and fury... that may just signify something.

There was a test that day, biology to be specific, which was driving people up the walls. Neither of them had studied what on earth was a proximal convoluted tube, and half of them had started sobbing on the floor. 

It had been a boy named Wanshi that had saved them all. Wanshi, a boy with silver hair and always looked like he hadn't slept in months, despite sleeping in every class and never doing any homework or classwork. People called him Washi Tape for a nickname, though, or Washi for short.

It was like Jesus had come to earth again, everyone gathering around the boy who looked smart enough AND knew what a proximal convoluted tube was. Side by side, they all sat, in harmony for the first time, despite broken tears, and began listening to the man as he gave a five minute brief on the kidneys, hormones, endocrine, reflex actions and what not. They stayed there for a minute or two, digesting the information, before being called into the exam.

As they were being huddled into the hall, Washi stood around the corner, watching over everyone that was being crowded into the hall. Suddenly, a short girl fell on him. He toppled down with her. 

"What the fuck," he lay on the floor.

"What the fuck, Omamia!" she didn't listen to him. She got straight up, nodded at him in apology, and went straight after her friend, who laughed maniacally.

Who was that? He had no seen her before... oh right... she was one of the dt kids...

What the fuck.

Washi cleared his head and went to the exam.

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