Chapter 6- Prince Charming

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It had been almost four days since his suspension. Four days until the fiasco that got him locked in his room. This time, Hugh didn't regret a thing. He didn't give a shit. Shaytan deserved it. Personally, he hoped he'd die in a hole.

But his parents, though? They were not impressed. Both of them were working parents and doctors,  both of them hard workers and intelligent. And him?

He was... not that. Yeah, that's a good way to describe things.

And so, when they found out that he got suspended, they were hella mad. To be honest, it wasn't really them that locked him in his room. He was allowed to go outside, to do anything but... he just didn't want to. He just wanted to stay there, doing nothing. His parents were always at work anyways, so what did it matter? 

Tonight was like any night. Both parents had the night shift at the hospital since both of them were surgeons. He stayed home, in his room. He couldn't remember the last time he'd eaten or the last time he'd done anything but stare at the ceiling for that fact. 

Four days.

Three more to go.

How long would this be?

His days would almost be repititive. Staring at the wall, wondering what life he truly lived, and what he lived for. None the answer he could find, excpet for existential dread. In then end, by the two day marker, his head was static. No thoughts entered and those that dared did never left. 

It had been another night, just like the rest. Static head, no thoughts, when a sudden tapping was heard on his window. It didn't stir Hugh at first. But it came again and again and suddenly it was too loud to ignore. 

Hugh didn't get up for a while, frozen in place. Finally, his legs gathered the energy to move. They movd slowly, his vision blurred and his hearing static. His senses were dimmed, probably from the prolonged era of him not using them. Eventually, he made his way to the window. He couldn't really see out of it, it was a figure, that was sure. 

Hugh's head didn't work. Whereas most would scream, shout, run, anything but open the window, he did the exact opposite, and passed out.

He doesn't recall very much. A faint yell. Two soft hands trying to catch him. And then his bed once more. He knew his parents wouldn't come till five o clock in the morning and right now it was only eight. Whoever this mysterious man may be, he might as well kill him then. But he didn't.

He woke up to a worried face, trying to get some water in him. To be fair, he was thirsty... and hungry... and so, so tired even though he had nothing but lay on his bed. He tried to make out the face. It was a brown skinned man, with black hair and glasses. How familiar he was! It almost seemed like-

No, it couldn't be...

"Yale?" his voice was raspy and hoarse. Yale jumped a bit, before talking some more. Something about how glad he was, how worried he was, how Hugh never took care of himself and he always had to do it for him. But Hugh wasn't listening, staring at the man in front of him with a drunken mind. He couldn't do anything. 

He woke up at about ten, absolutely blank and exhausted. Yale sat next to him, looking at the things on his phone, quite visibly exhausted as well... or is that worry?

He noticed Hugh was up about five minutes in. Hugh was visibly staring at him, and broke contact the moment Yale noticed. 

"Hey... Yale..." Hugh managed to cough out

"What the fuck!" Yale yelled before grabbing Hugh by the shoulders and hugging him. He wrapped his arms around Hugh, as though he was his life source, as though he was on the verge of death and there was his life hanging on the edge. Hug tried to snake his arms around his neck, to hug him as well, but it was almost impossible, so he let his hands stay on his sides, too tired to do anything else.

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