The Genin Days Pt.1

Start from the beginning

He desperately needed to reduce the chakra intake of the jutsu. Currently, he could do five before exhausting himself. As per his knowledge, he should be able to do seven by the time he is done with it. Further improvements can only be reached when he grows up and increases his chakra capacity.

Breaking out of his thoughts, the Uzumaki finally entered his apartment. He was the only person there as Kushina was currently on a date with Minato.

Thinking of that left a sour taste in Naruto's mouth. His issue wasn't that Kushina was dating Minato. It was the fact that Kushina looked so happy, so...


It was as if fate itself was mocking Naruto. Kushina had lost her clan too, just like him. Then why was it that she could bounce back and find happiness so... so easily, while all he was left with were responsibilities and ambitions? Sure, being with Kimiko, Kushina, Minato, and Sakumo made him happy, but...

but he still sought the contentment of being connected with someone on an emotional level.

He wanted love.

Naruto wasn't the type of guy to rush in in the matters of love. Shiroi ka-chan had always told him that love was patient. He just wanted to find someone that clicked with him. Someone who would compensate for all his flaws.

He needed someone that would complete him.

But deep inside, he knew. He knew that there was almost a zero percent chance of finding such a person.

Could there ever be someone who could love him?


As Naruto strode into his room, he took in the grandiose design - brown walls, a king-sized bed, and luxurious furniture. The pretty decorations served as the cherry on top, adding a refined and polished feel to the space.

It was, after all, the best room money could get you in the entire village.

Naruto took a quick cold shower and changed his clothes into appropriate sleepwear. However, he was not planning to sleep anytime soon.

Making sure to lock his room to prevent Kushina from seeing anything when she returned, he bit his finger to extract his blood, which he rubbed on the corner of the floor. Soon, a wide and complex sealing array appeared, which he used to summon a few scrolls.

Five of them held the bodies Naruto took during the invasion. However, his business was with a simple blue scroll lying in the pile, which held a storage seal.

Taking the scroll in his hands, Naruto released a small amount of chakra into the seal, which was the key to accessing the seal.

The stored items were then released, revealing a stack of paper and files, that, to the common eye, would be nothing significant.

However, what those papers truly contained was something far more dangerous.

For the papers had tons of information, both public and classified, on Kumo, Iwa, and Kiri.

For years, Naruto had worked incessantly, creating an effective blueprint for his revenge. He had visited the library several times and copied all the information on the kages, their families, their top jonin and jinchurikis, to even their missing nins.

It was, though, much more tricky to get the classified information. But he eventually managed to get that too.

Every year, Konoha shinobis caught many foreign ninjas traveling through the Land of Fire, carrying classified information. Naturally, all those scrolls would be retrieved and brought back to Konoha.

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