The Academy

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I OWN ALL THE OCs in this story.

This work is my own work and cannot be published by someone else without my consent.

                                                    CHAPTER 4

                                                 THE ACADEMY


Kushina felt blessed to have a brother like Naruto. Turns out he was not joking yesterday when he said he was gonna get them a new place to live.

He did, in fact, buy them a couple flats in an apartment.

Then there was also the fact that he bought them the COSTLIEST rooms, in the MOST EXPENSIVE apartments, in the RICHEST area of Konoha.

After pestering him about the matter, she got to know that he earned it all from gambling in one single night, and that the apartments didn't even put a dent in the amount of money he currently has.

At this point of time, Kushina was not even surprised by this as she now knew to expect the unexpected from Naruto.

'What's next, he has the powers of the Sage of Six Paths, pffft!'

Since it was a Sunday, Naruto and Kushina spent the entire morning moving in to their new flats, after getting the seal of approval from 'Goatee' oji-chan, who just seemed too tired to deal with them.

'Of course, the Uzumakis and their insane luck, why do I even bother to be concerned...'

After moving in, Naruto realized that he had no stuff, so he had to buy everything, from toiletries to ninja tools and from shinobi clothes to academy books. So he went for shopping.

And took Kushina with him.


Kushina has been staring at Naruto like he was the second coming of the sage for the past hour.

The reason was simple, this afternoon, he had dragged her to the shopping district, quickly bought all the supplies and clothes, after they were approved by Kushina, of course. Kushina was persistent in making sure Naruto's clothes were acceptable, her reason being "No way in hell is my brother going somewhere wearing absurd clothing 'ttebane. Imagine my blood wearing something as absurd as a bright orange jumpsuit. Yeah, that's not possible."

After Naruto bought everything for him, came Kushina's turn...

And of course, Kushina knew to expect the unexpected from Naruto, because that was exactly what he did.

He brought her EVERY DAMN THING she ever wanted. Every item she used to gaze at from the windows of the shops, wishing that she could have it, he bought it all. Everything she cast a longing look at, he bought it. From clothes to accessories, from expensive commodities to the most expensive katana in Konoha stores, it was all hers by the end of the day, and her new apartment had all the space to store them.

When Kushina asked why he was doing so much, he simply replied, "You are my family. What you want, you get. I just want to see you happy and safe imouto."

Safe to say, Kushina could never ask for something better in her life. Her brother was the best thing that had ever happened to her, besides salt ramen. turns out Naruto loved ramen too, though not as much as her, and ever since he had gifted her the 'majestic 9 flavors of ramen delicacy supreme pack', she has been staring at him like he was the second coming of the sage.

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