Chapter 6: New Home

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Jason POV

After everything that had happened earlier today, it was nice to just be flying calmly, even better with some company. I though carrying Leah would involve her asking rapid fire questions even though I wouldn't be able to answer her, but the only sound that could be heard was that of my wings beating and of wind rushing by.

As I closed in on Astera, I could smell the canteen, smoke and steam rising into the air. This high up, I could already see everyone gathering within the trade yard clearing out and moving booths so I would have space to land. Many who had left before getting a good look at me were pushing to the front of the crowd, looking up into the sky at me even though I couldn't be looking anything more than a bird from this distance.

"Smell that?" Leah asked me as she caught a whiff of whatever the chef was whipping up. I looked back at her and nodded. "I don't know about you but whatever that is, is making my mouth water." I responded with a deep rumbling hum in agreement as I got closer, and the smell grew stronger. I began to slow down and descend lower near the ground before flying just above Astera's main gate and into the TradeYard, the large crowd backing up even more as my wings picked up dust and sent any loose goods flying, before finally making contact with the ground and landing with a thud, shaking the whole yard and making many people stumble.

I lowered one wing all the way down to the ground and felt Leah slide down it and onto solid ground before folding it back up again and turning to face the massive crowd. Naturally, everyone looked at me wearily, well, everyone but the commander and the trio I had saved from Nergigante. I could hear whispers from all around, many were along the lines of "So that's what it looks like" or "I wonder what they'll call it" Every single researcher present was looking at me like a kid on Christmas, fighting the urge to drop all composure and swarm me to gather whatever samples they could and study me from head to toe.

Leah moved to be in front of me before turning around to face me and raised her arms out and said "Welcome to Astera! I'm sure your gonna love it while your here." That got the crowd to break their silence, and everyone began to give their own welcome, with cheers of agreement with Leah, or some even coming up to me and patting me on the foot cause that's all they could reach. This carried out for a few moments before the commander moved to stand in front of me and before the entire crowd. Rasing one hand, the entire crowd went silent, their cheers slowly turned to whispers, then silence.

Once he was satisfied with getting everyone's attention, he began to speak. "I speak for not just myself, but everyone here when I say we are grateful for your help with the Monster upon Zorah's back." He then looked out towards the crowd and raised his voice for all to hear. "We have identified the monster that attacked both our hunters and Zorah as Nergigante, an Elder dragon. Why it was with Zorah, we do not know. As for our friend here, we know it's an Elder Dragon, but the guild has not gotten back to me with a name just yet, but hopefully soon.

Although the capture of Zorah was unsuccessful, each and every one of you did fine work. For now, I think we could all use a good meal, wouldn't you all agree?" He was met with raucous cheers as everyone went towards the Canteen, Leah at the front of the crowd while I went towards the bottom of the stairs and waited since I couldn't fit onto them or fly near the near the canteen. To my surprise however, instead of feasting in the Canteen, everyone began to come back down the stairs with plates full of food and moved through the trade yard. Leah came to sit next to me, along with the hunter and most likely every single researcher within Astera who all were more concerned about taking down every noticeable detail about me rather than eating.

everyone began to feast and talk excitedly to one another as lively music began to play. After about 5 minutes, I noticed the meowscular chef and about 50 other palicos carrying a literal mountain of food down the stairway and setting it down at my feet. I shit you not, I started drooling at the smell, and I could hear Leah and the chef laugh at this. I immediately began to devour anything that was on the enormous platter, and when I say this shit was good, I mean Gordon Ramsay would have a food wars type foodgasm to this shit. "Jesus Christ, do they put cocaine in here?" I thought as I kept eating.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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