Chapter 6: The Hundred Years of Sleep

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[Scene: The curse's origins and its impact on the kingdom.]

Narrator: In this chapter, we delve into the curse that has befallen Princess Aurora and the kingdom. It all began with a single spindle and an evil fairy's vengeful curse.

[The scene depicts Maleficent casting the curse and the kingdom falling into slumber.]

Narrator: Maleficent, consumed by anger and jealousy, cursed Princess Aurora to prick her finger on a spindle and fall into a hundred years of sleep. The curse extended to the entire kingdom, plunging it into an enchanted slumber.
[The fairies' intervention and alteration of the curse are highlighted.]

Narrator: The good fairies, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather, intervened to soften the curse. They ensured that Aurora would not die but sleep until true love's kiss could awaken her.

[The chapter concludes with a sense of the curse's weight and the hope for its eventual end.]

Narrator: The curse looms over the kingdom, its effects felt by all. But within the curse lies the hope of true love's awakening, a beacon of light in the darkest of times.

Synopsis: As Aurora sleeps, a powerful enchantment falls upon the kingdom. The castle becomes covered in thorny vines, and everyone inside falls into an enchanted slumber. The fairies put the entire kingdom to sleep to protect Aurora and await the arrival of her true love, who will break the curse.

[Scene: The castle covered in thorny vines, the kingdom plunged into slumber.]

Fairies: The curse has taken hold. We must protect the kingdom and await the arrival of true love.

[The fairies cast a spell, putting the entire kingdom to sleep, awaiting the day when Aurora's true love will awaken her.]

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