1-Right where we left off

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(Adding onto Disney's Cinderella 2015 to develop Ella's thoughts and feelings beyond the screen and to properly set up the next chapters  **I do not own these characters, nor most of the plot in this chapter**. I wrote this half asleep, so please kindly point out any mistakes or suggestions, even any ideas for other chapters.)
"My story appears to be ended. Now... tell me yours", my stepmother sneered, my remaining glass slipper in her grasp, "Did you steal it?".

"No", my response fell in a breath, "It was given to me". I fidget with the sides of my dress, my heart racing. She has my future in her hands, and she won't make it painless.

"Given to you", she laughed humorlessly, her tone bitter, "nothing is ever given, for everything you must pay, pay", she shifted the slipper in her hands.

"That's not true", I smiled gently, echoing the words I grew up hearing, "Kindness is free. Love is free."

"Love is not free." Tremaine barked "Now, here's how you will pay me... if you are to have what you desire. No one will believe you, a dirty servant girl without a family, if you lay claim to the prince's heart. But with a respectable gentlewoman to put you forward, you will not be ignored. When you are married, you will make me the head of the royal household. Anastasia and Drizella we will pair off with wealthy lords. And I shall manage that boy."

My eyebrows furrow and my first instinct is to defend Kit's honor. "He's not a boy" He is an incredible and kind man, much more than anyone gives him credit for. "And who are you?" She spat, " How would you rule a kingdom? Best to leave it to me. That way we all get what we want." She strode past me with a smug smirk, tossing my slipper from hand to hand. I couldn't let her do this. I couldn't let the kingdom fall into her hands, she would run it into the house as she did my own home. I was drowning, drowning, drowning, in pure emotions... until I finally found my voice once more, and I would not shut it down to play the doormat.
Lady Tremaine stopped in her tracks and spun around instantly. "No?"
"I was not able to protect my father from you, but I will protect the prince and the kingdom... no matter what becomes of me." I stood my ground. I have been nothing but kind to her, but her overstepping has grown into abuse and it was time to put an end to her, one way or another. Stepmother's eyes darken and hardened in an instant, until she managed out "Well, that is a mistake." She smashes the beautiful and fragile heel against the doorframe until in her hand there's nothing more than just the heel.

"No! Why...?" My scream subsides to a whisper, "Why? Why are you so cruel? I don't understand it. I've tried to be kind to you." She has mistaken my gentleness for weakness and has taken me as a maid to abuse, I will not stand for it any longer.

"You? Kind to me?"
"Yes. And though no one deserves to be treated as you have treated me. Why do you do it?" I raise my voice from a whisper as my blood boils, "Why?"

"Why?" Lady Tremaine challenges, "Because you are young, and innocent, and good. And I..." she dashes to the other side of the door before she can finish and before I can prevent her from locking it. "No!" I cry as I chase after her, my heart squeezes as I hear the door lock. "No!", My fists reside against the door until my legs give out and I slide down it as I feel a shaky breath escape me. I lay numb on the floor, memories of the one fantastic night of my life passing through my mind. The flow of my beautiful dress, The comfort of Kit's arms, the time alone Kit and I spent together.
I had the opportunity of a future with him, yet I let it slip by... for him, for his safety. His safety is far more important to me than my own chance at a"happily ever after"... because I love him. I succumb to the dark void of sleep I didn't even see pouncing on me.

I awake with nothing but acceptance that my night with the prince should be nothing more than a happy memory, I let it melt into such. I relive the bliss of it to the sweet melody my mother used to lull me to sleep with, twirling to the memories in the cold attic, softly echoing the lullaby from the window seat, comfort covering my soul to prevent it from shattering. The Tremaine's had company downstairs, I couldn't tell you who, but my mice friends opened the window by weighing down its handle and for them to hear me. I couldn't tell you why, but I played along nevertheless, what did I have to lose? I sang a bit louder than what I did prior and overheard some of the voices downstairs, but nothing except the breaths of the conversation reached me, undecipherable . Suddenly, the door opened quickly, yet graciously and I could tell by the echo of footsteps it was my stepmother- but she wasn't alone. She stepped inside the attic accompanied by the captain as the song died on my lips.

Happy Ending - A Sequel to 2015's Cinderella Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz