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It had been a couple of weeks since Hallie and her daughter moved in with Ellis, she loved having her sister and her niece staying with her it made the home feel more lived in and alive. Two days after Hallie turned up Ellis took her to the police station so that she could get her sister to file a report against Mike, the police took it very seriously— mainly because Ellis made it clear the law firm that she worked for and that if they didn't take this seriously all she would have to do is make one phone call and the police themselves would be in so much legal trouble they themselves would need lawyers. It was a Friday morning and Ellis wasn't working today she was grateful for the three day weekend she was getting because she had been very stressed recently with work, Luke was running everything past her to do with the band and not only that she was working on her sisters case against her ex boyfriend so everything was just running at a high speed right now and was getting very exhausting.

Ellis was in the kitchen with Hallie and Rosie having their breakfasts and listening to the radio together,

"So how long have you and Matty been back in contact?" Hallie asked her older sister while feeding her daughter

"Oh um, not too long maybe about five months we went back home a few weeks ago." Ellis said

"You saw mum and dad?" Hallie asked in shock and Ellis nodded her head
"Jesus Ellis, how was it?" She continued

"Well I didn't see dad I only saw mum but it went exactly how you would expect she still hates me and she's still in contact with Laurie."

"It's ridiculous anyone would think they have three kids not two. She's barely seen Rosie I think she's holding it against me that at the time I chose Mike over the family—"

"Yeah but that wasn't your fault he was controlling you." Ellis explained to her sister,

"Dad still sees Rosie it took a while for him to come round and calm down but he sees her when he can." Hallie explained and Ellis nodded her head when the two of them finished talking and Hallie had finished giving her daughter her breakfast there was heavy and aggressive banging on the front door.

"What the hell?" Ellis mumbled, she looked at her sister before the two of them headed into the front room where they looked out of the window to see Hallie's ex boyfriend pounding on the door,

"How did he know I was here?" Hallie panicked

"I don't know but it wouldn't have taken him long to work out, just go back into the kitchen and shut the door I'll sort this." Ellis said so Hallie did as she was told. Once Ellis saw her sister close the kitchen door she composed herself and then opened the front door to Mike.

"Where are they?" He blurted out

"That's none of your business." Ellis said harshly as Mike tried to push past her and get into the woman's home
"You're joking right?! Get out of my house!" Ellis shouted as she very angrily shoved Mike back away from the front door,

"You can't keep them in there forever Ellis, they're my daughter and my girlfriend." Mike objected

"Yeah well she's my sister and Rosie is my niece I will do everything I can to make sure neither of them see you again, I suggest you get yourself a decent lawyer because once I'm finished with you, you won't be allowed to talk about them let alone set foot anywhere near the pair of them." Ellis hissed which made Mike go absolutely ballistic

"You spiteful—" just as Mike went towards Ellis as if he was going to grab her by her hair Matty turned up at just the right moment.

"Don't you lay a finger on her!" Matty shouted out as he came rushing towards the house, Mike took one look at Ellis and Matty stood beside one another and scoffed with a laugh

Petrichor (*Matty Healy ff*)Where stories live. Discover now