Chapter 2

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I'm putting on shorts and the hospital gown, it's been so long since I've worn real clothes I think to myself as Rose picks me up and slides me into a wheelchair as we head to the Chemo Lab.

"I can walk, you know." I say rolling my eyes

"We do this every day Aleck." Rose sighs, "I know you can but we need you to save your energy, for getting better, and Chemo. Kay?" I nod and sigh

"Yeah..." I mutter "But it's not fair, everyone I know is having fun-" Rose cuts me off "We're hereeee" She sings I giggle and I roll my eyes. Rose slides me on to the hospital bed and turns on the Tv

"Dr. Lily is running a bit late but she'll be here soon." She tells me

"Do you want me to stay?" She asks looking up at me, and I nod.

"That'd be nice..." I smile

"Good. 'Cause if you said no..." She looks down

"You good..." I ask

"You wouldn't make it out of this lab!" She snaps flining her head too look at me her hair now in her face

"Haha, okay okay!" I laugh. We play patty cake and shame why we wait for the doctor.

"I'M HERE!!!" A british voice yells as they slam open the door their glasses falling off their face, a binder tucked in her right arm and a messy bun

"Ah! Dr. Lily! You're here." Rose smiled gently

"Yes...." She puffs out of breath "I'm here..." I giggle and I put my hand over my mouth

"No worries!" I reassure Lily

" let's start shall we?" She says shuffling towards the desk. She puts her binder on the desk and slumps into the chair. " Aleck? That's your name right love?" She asks, typing at her keyboard, "Yep!" I nod "Great..Great.." She mutters, sliding her hand over to the mouse and she clicks on a file of some sort.

"Alright love, so it says here that you have a very rare blood cancer. Is that right?" She asks, looking at me. "I-uh- yes.." I nod, Rose pats my shoulder and whispers in my ear, "You're doing great." I nod and I smile.

"Okay, so you've been doing Chemo for 2 weeks now. That true love?" She asks, clicking away at her computer keyboard. "Yep." I mention nodding, She clicks her computer a few more times and then gets up.

"I'll be back. I have to get your pills and I'm printing something." She claps her hands, "Then we do blood work!" She leaves the room and shuts the door behind her.

"Yay." I say sarcastically, and I roll my eyes as Rose laughs

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