Chapter 3

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A nurse with brown hair and purple streaks, styled in pigtails and yellow and pink bows in both of them, walks in. She has 4 needles in a little tray on wheels next to her, some band-aids and cleaning and drying supplies are in the tray too.

"Hi sugar. I'm going to be taking samples today. But I'm sure Dr. Lily told you this?" She asks, cleaning my arm with a disinfectant. I nod.

"Great. Now this will hurt a bit but only for a little bit." She informs me as she sucks up the clear liquid in the little cap. Rose squeezes my hand and I squeeze it back.

"Want me to countdown?" She asks me, and I nod. She slides the needle into my arm, squeezes the top and the liquid into my arm. I yipp like a dog, but before I know it it's over. She puts the cap on the last syringe and high fives me.

"Good job hero!" She grins "The results will be back later Aight'?" She pushes the cart out of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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