"I'm trying to," she replied quietly, taking in another sharp breath as she took her hand back from mine and clasped them together tightly. It was difficult for her to maintain her composure, and I could see her visibly shaking as I watched.

She was doing her best to remain calm, but her anger was visible to me nonetheless, and I knew that she was struggling to maintain her composure as she continued to listen to Taiwan and North's back and forth argument.

Putting on a brave front, I take a bold step into the room with North and Taiwan. Their eyes turn to me, full of fury and contempt.

They both grew silent upon seeing me, all previous arguments and insults ceasing as they both fixed their eyes on me. I felt a wave of dread wash over me as I realised that I now had their full attention, and I wanted nothing more than to get out of this situation as quickly as possible.

My heart rate began to spike as their gazes bore into me, their expressions filled with rage and disdain. I wanted to just leave, but didn't dare make a sudden move in fear of potentially aggravating the situation.

"S-stop yelling." I stammer. North nods slightly, his remaining eye softening with a mixture of self-consciousness and regret. Taiwan rolls his eyes and steps back. "Sorry..." North muttered hesitantly, still maintaining a harsh gaze but no longer yelling. Taiwan seemed to be the main agitator in all of this, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of relief as he took a step back. However, I felt an uneasy sensation wash over me as he rolled his eyes once again. He clearly isn't taking my attempt to intervene very seriously. China cautiously walks over and stands beside me, her hand on my shoulder.

"So, China, I have a question to ask you." North's sudden change in tone caused me to flinch a little, his softer tone taking me by suprise after the heated argument moments before.

"What is it, North?" Replies an exasperated China.

"Your designs. I've seen some of them before, right?" North asked, his tone softer but still laced with a small hint of criticism.

"Yes, you have," China replied, her tone softening only a bit as she responded. She still didn't seem to be taking his tone very positively, despite his slightly softer approach.

"So, I was wondering if you could do me a favor?" North continued, still speaking in a gentle but still critical tone.

"What is it?" China finally asked, a small hint of irritation in her voice. It was clear that she was still on edge from the argument and Taiwan's harsh words, and even North's sudden change in tone towards her wasn't fully convincing her.

North smirked a little. "Grow a fucking backbone and don't listen to Taiwan. Start your business. I'll help out."

Both China and I were taken aback by this sudden response, our jaws dropping slightly at his sudden shift in tone. It was a far cry from the harsh criticism that Taiwan had been flinging at her mere moments ago.

"C'mon Oki." North takes my hand. "Let's leave our cousins to deal with each other." North drags me to the porch, only allowing to offer a small wave to China and Taiwan. North and I put on our shoes. North leads the way home, squeezing my hand.

"I'm so sorry." He nonchalantly breaks the silence. "It was a fit of anger. You're not weak. You've seen a lot because of our father and-and...America." He growls at the last bit. I was certainly glad that we had decided to leave now, but the situation still plagued my mind as we walked home. As North squeezed my hand tightly, I felt warmth wash over me, and I couldn't help but feel a slight sense of comfort in his presence.

"It's alright..." I mumbled softly, my eyes turning down towards the ground as we silently made our way home.

"No it's not." North pulls me closer to his body, the two of us now shoulder to shoulder. After a couple of minutes full of silence, North and I sit on the couch at home. My head is on his lap as he runs his fingers through my hair, staring into space. A soft chuckle escapes my brother as he looks down at me.

The Girl by the Sea (Countryhumans AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن