Aussie and Batholomew

20 1 23

Written: January 26, 2024

I wake up to a text from my best friend, Australia. I call him Aussie most of the time, though. He's one of the few people who calls me by my real name. He shortens it to Ry, which is cute. I open the notification.

DemonChild: "Ry"

DemonChild: "Yo, Ry"

DemonChild: "I bet you twenty buckaroos that Batholomew can beat Habu Babu in a fight."

Scoffing, I glance over at Habu Babu, who was silently sitting on my nightstand.

IEatSeaGlass4Fun: "3 pm. After school"

DemonChild: "How will we smuggle in the snakes?"

IEatSeaGlass4Fun: "Empty backpack compartment. Keep it slightly open, but not so they can escape and get us expelled."

DemonChild: "Sounds risky. You sure Habu Babu can handle Bartholomew?"

IEatSeaGlass4Fun: "Trust me, Habu Babu's got some moves. It'll be an epic showdown!"

DemonChild: "Deal. Prepare to lose, Ry."

IEatSeaGlass4Fun: "Finally! A worthy opponent!"

DemonChild: "Our battle will be legendary!"

As I put down my phone, a mischievous grin spreads across my face. The idea of a snake showdown between Batholomew and Habu Babu is absurdly entertaining, and I can't resist the challenge presented by my adventurous friend, Australia. I glance at Habu Babu, who seems oblivious to the upcoming reptilian duel, coiled comfortably in his terrarium.

I grab 2000 yen (roughly 20 dollars) from my coin pouch and place it next to the terrarium. I get changed into my clothes—blue and green as usual, and shove the money in the pocket of my waistcoat. Then, I head downstairs for a quick breakfast.
I'm ecstatic, my mabui charged with jovial energy. South notices as I skip over to the tatami.

"What's got you so excited, Oki?" He asks, pouring steaming green tea into the cups.

"Something's coming up at school." I replied, quickly taking my seat between North and Japan.

Japan glances at me with a subtle smile, understanding the eccentricities of my high school adventures. North, on the other hand, seems disinterested, focused on his own breakfast.

"Special event or something?" South raises an eyebrow, intrigued.
I nod, sipping the green tea.

"Yes, there's something interesting happening today."

Japan nods, while North finally looks up. "What kind of event involves so much excitement?"

I shrug, weaving a little white lie into my response. "It's a surprise event organized by the school. They're keeping it hush-hush until it starts. Should be fun."

South grins, intrigued. "Well, now I'm curious. Let me know how it goes."

As breakfast continues, the anticipation builds within me, fueled by the added mystery of my fabricated school event. The clinking of dishes and the soothing aroma of tea become a backdrop to the excitement bubbling in my veins. The prospect of the snake showdown, combined with the allure of the undisclosed school event, adds an extra layer of eccentricity to the ordinary morning routine. Once the meal is finished, I grab my backpack and gently allow Habu Babu to slither into it. He likes coming on adventures.
Once Japan drops me off, I'm greeted by Australia in the courtyard. He tips his tan fedora.

"G'day to you, Ry." He greets.

"Haisai, Aussie." I reply eagerly in Okinawan.

Australia grins, "Ready for the great snake duel later?"

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