It was then that Marilyn realized how starving she actually was. "Pizza sounds great," she said quietly.

"Fantastic. Let's go downstairs." Marilyn walked down the hallway next to Jean. "I'm Scott's girlfriend, by the way," Jean told her, "In case he didn't tell you."

Scott has a girlfriend? Marilyn wondered in surprise. She couldn't imagine anybody wanting to put up with that grouch. Aside from Alex, who seemed to like pretty much everyone here. "He's only said one word to me, and I'm pretty sure it's 'cause Alex forced him to," Marilyn admitted.

Jean sighed. "Yeah, Scott's a jerk when he wants to be."

"Then why are you dating him?" asked Marilyn curiously.

To her surprise, Jean burst out laughing. "You're funny!" she said, smiling, "Scott's usually very sweet. The past couple days have been rough for him. Obviously, that's no excuse for the way he's treating you, but I just want you to know it's not personal. He'll warm up to you eventually."

Marilyn nodded, even though she didn't fully believe Jean. The idea of Scott disliking her caused no distress, not after years of putting up with Michael. But she was sick of people trying to convince her he was nice. As far as she knew, he was stiff, grumpy, and wanted nothing to do with her. And that was fine with Marilyn.

The two arrived in a sort of living/recreation room, with couches, tv, and a coffee table where several people were playing Monopoly. Apparently they were getting very, very into the game.

"Ha! Take that you peasants!" A girl with a curly, white mohawk crowed, waving a fistful of the colorful bills in her opponents faces. She seemed very pleased with herself.

"Nooo! What about my wife and kids?!" Another girl wailed, flinging herself dramatically on the gameboard. She had short, spiky hair and was dressed head to toe in neon colors.

The white-haired girl grinned smugly while fanning herself with the game money. "Guess you'll have to take your poor family to live in the slums of Mediterranean Avenue." She leaned back in her seat.

"Ororo! You wouldn't!" The blue skinned mutant from earlier gasped in horror. Alex had told her his name... Ah! It's Kurt! she remembered. Kurt patted the back of the girl on the table, who was still face down on the game.

She lifted up her head. "My kids deserve better than to live under your cruel, heartless empire!"

"Beautifully said, Jubilee," Kurt agreed, applauding her. "My turn!" He rolled the dice, moved his piece (it was the shoe) and drew a card. "Go straight to... JAIL?!" He fell backwards onto the couch in a pretend faint.

Jubilee began to wail. "The injustice!" She snatched Kurt's shoe piece off the board. "This isn't right! He's innocent!"

"Apparently not," Ororo said, plucking the tiny shoe out of Jubilee's hand and setting it on the jail square. "With you penniless and Kurt arrested, I think it's safe to say I have—"

"Aha! Not so fast, our wicked ruler!" Kurt shouted triumphantly as he sprung up from the couch. "For I just remembered that I have the key! To getting out of jail... for freeeeeeeee!!" Jubilee sprung to her feet, cheering and embracing Kurt as a look of outrage came over Ororo's face.

Ororo looked over and saw Jean and Marilyn, who both were enthralled with the dramatic performance. "Oh, hello Jean! And you must be Marilyn," she exclaimed, standing up and walking over to them.

"Hi," Marilyn said, finding herself much less intimidated now that Ororo had stepped away from the gameboard.

"Ororo's very nice, she just turns into an evil capitalist overlord when we play Monopoly," Jubilee called over.

Ororo laughed. "I get very into the game," she told Marilyn with a wink, "I'm so glad you came down! We've all been excited to meet you."

While Marilyn knew she meant well, Ororo's comment made her even more anxious. All these people knew about her? And why she was here? She found herself wishing she could just sink into the ground and disappear.

Jean seemed to sense Marilyn's discomfort. "Has the pizza arrived?" She asked quickly, changing the subject.

Ororo rolled her eyes. "Not yet. It was supposed to be here by now."

At that moment, the doorbell rang. "That must be it!" Jean exclaimed, "Marilyn, will you help me bring the pizza in?"

"Sure," she said, following Jean to the front door. They opened it and Marilyn caught a whiff of motor oil, alcohol, and tobacco, but no pizza. She and Jean stared in confusion at the tall, imposing man standing in front of them. He took the cigar out of his mouth and grinned. "Hey ladies, is Chuck here?"

"Who's Chuck?" Marilyn asked in confusion looking at Jean.

"I think he means the professor," Jean said to her, "Who is not available," she told the strange man emphatically. 

She shut the door but he shoved his boot between the doorframe and the door before it could close all the way. "I'm an old friend," he said, prying it open, "Can you just let him know I'm here?" He raised his eyebrows and cocked his head.

"Who are you?" Jean asked him, not budging when he tried to slip by her.

"I'm Logan," he replied, "Logan Howlett."

Weightless ║ X-Men Continuity: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now