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Ok, so Ima add some info for this story... and so I can refer back to this in the future.

Country Humans:


     Age is how long they've been around and I subtract it to 2024, and I divide the number by 14, and if it's a decimal, I round it until it's a whole number. The country humans will look a specific age, even if they're 300+ years old in reality.


America- Gained independence in 1776, and it's 2024 now. So that's 248 years, then I divide it by 14. So America looks and acts 18 in this AU.

Britain-  2024-410= 1614     1614/14=115.

So, technically Britain would be 115 years old. But because of that, Ima go google the average age of death in Britain real quick-

Okay, it's about 83 years old. So, 115-83=32. Britain is 32 years old in this story :)

Eye color-

     The eye color of a country is determined by the most common favorite color in that country. But sometimes google doesn't give me the answer I want and just gives me the color that's most commonly associated with the country, or a color that represents the country.


Italy- Azure, so Italy's eye color would be a shade of blue.

Mexico- Red is most commonly associated with Mexico, and a lot of pink is used in some Mexican architecture, so Mexico's eyes would be red with flecks of different pinks in them.


     Appearances are a little difficult, so I just went with either traditional clothing, or casual/modern clothing with traditional/symbolic elements. So, if that makes sense, hooray! Though, if I can't find traditional clothing, it'll either be casual/modern with some kind of symbolism linked to the country.


China- China has a lot of different traditions... I would know, I'm half Taiwanese. So China would usually wear Hanfu, Qipao, Tang suits and Mao suits (Zhongshan suits). Or casual clothing with a lot of red, gold, black, and white, or something that relates to a tradition.

South Africa- South Africa would wear clothes from Xhosa Culture, Zulu Culture, Ndebele Tribe... but idk a lot about South Africa soooo... don't expect much from them.


     Each country's capital is their pet, and it's their national animal. Just to keep it simple.


Norway- Norway's capital, Oslo, is a moose... Don't ask how they live with a moose, Idk either.

Chile- Santiago is a huemul deer... once again, do not ask how they live with a deer of all things.

France- Paris is a rooster, just so both examples aren't ones that need... a large living space... like a forest or something.

     There's going to be a zoo for all the big animals that can't be kept at a house, though there will be a few exceptions.


     Countries can all speak perfect English... because it's easier for me so I don't have to use google translate (which can get words and translations wrong). But when a country is experiencing strong emotions, they'll switch between their official language and English, or just switch to their official language entirely.

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