Chapter Eight.

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From the moment that she could read, Liz loved books. She loved the worlds that the characters lived in and the adventures they got to go on that would save those that they loved and cherished the most. Above everything, though, she loved knowing that each book she'd read would take her to a whole new realm. Places that she could only dream of, and it was her adoration for literature that carried her on her life's journey, however painful and heartbreaking it had been.

Liz knew that she wanted to share the magic that authors created in their books. She wanted other people to see the beauty she saw every time she read new material.

Some would call her a loner who was living in her own odd world, but those who saw books the way she did would call her passionate.

Jeff was one of those people. Sure, he wasn't as well-read as Liz, but he loved how excited she became when she'd tell him about what she read. He loved that her eyes would sparkle and shine with joy; he loved that her voice would rise an octave each time she explained a plot; and he loved the way she wanted to share her passion with the world.

Books were Liz's life, and as she stood in her little book trailer admiring all the hard work she had poured into this project, she felt like her dreams were coming true. However, there was one problem. She had no one to share these new moments with.

Yes, she had gotten married to the man she thought would make her happy, but the hard truth was that he wasn't Jeff.

Liz tried to make it work, but in the end, it was better to get a divorce and finally chase after her long-desired dreams. Her book trailer and her first love, the grouch next door.

Liz was about to step out of the trailer when Kenzie popped her head around the corner.

"Oh, Kenzie, how are you?" Liz asked cheerily. Kenzie smiled and fully walked into the trailer.

"I'm good. How are you?" Kenzie asked in reply.

"Yeah, pretty good. About ready for a coffee, though." Liz admitted running her hand through her shoulder-length, wavy fox-colored hair.

"Would you like some company?" Kenzie questioned, and Liz beamed. Company was just what Liz needed.

"That sounds wonderful." Liz replied.

"So, how is everything going with the set-up?" Kenzie asked, making conversation as she and Liz walked toward the nearest café, Paula's.

"It's been hard here and there, but I'm looking forward to opening on Wednesday." Liz answered.

"I'm looking forward to Wednesday as well." Kenzie told Liz.

"You're planning on coming to the opening?" Liz asked with a hint of excitement.

"Of course I am. Why wouldn't I come?" Kenzie asked as though it were a no-brainer.

"I don't know; I guess I'm just not used to anyone being as thrilled as I am." Liz responded.

"Well, get used to it. I'm so happy for you, and I hope that it goes well for you." Kenzie said, and Liz felt a warmth come over her. It felt so nice to have someone in her corner, especially when it was someone like Kenzie.

"I appreciate it, Kenzie." Liz said as she and Kenzie sat down at a table with their drinks.

"You're welcome." Kenzie replied.

"What's your favorite book?" Liz asked after taking a healthy drink of her coffee.

"That's a tough question. I mean, there are so many good books out there." Kenzie answered.

"Ok, how about a favorite genre?" Liz asked instead, knowing exactly what Kenzie meant.

"Probably like old romance or something like that." She replied, and Liz nodded.

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