Chapter Four.

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My journal friend,

I know that it's been about a week since I've written anything, but I promise that I have a good reason. Before I tell you though, let me fill you in on what's happened this week.

As you know, mom agreed to let Uncle Jeff teach me how to surf, so long as I am uninjured and returned in one piece. Well, that didn't last too long. You see, Uncle Jeff was showing me how to get balanced on my board before we went on the water when all of a sudden someone knocked me over and onto the burning hot sand. The wind was knocked out of me for a minute or two, and Uncle Jeff got snippy with them (it was like he knew the person that had run into me), which made them quickly apologize and run off in the opposite direction. (Real cool Jeff, real cool). It was ok in the end, but I did sprain my ankle, so right now surfing is on hold, which sucks.

When Uncle Jeff and I got back to his place after the ankle fiasco, we saw a moving truck in the driveway of the house next door. It wasn't a surprise for either of us to see because everyone in the neighborhood knew the house had been sold. What did surprise me was Uncle Jeff's reaction to the woman that walked out the front door and to the truck to collect more boxes.

Jeff told me later that evening that the woman, Liz Gilmour, was an old friend of his. Of course, I knew there was more to it by the way he spoke about it. I made a note to ask Mom about him and this 'old friend' when we talked on the phone that night but before I could do that, I had to tell her about my ankle first. Needless to say, she was not happy. I quickly changed the subject to Jeff and Liz and what mom told me was interesting.

She told me that back in the day they were something of an item. She also told me that they had been together so long that they had even talked about getting married. That surprised me because Jeff didn't seem like the husband type. I asked mom why they didn't get married, but she said she didn't know.

Our call went well, but boy was my mind spinning with all this new information.

After mom and I ended our call, Jeff and I decided to order burgers for dinner, and we watched a movie while we ate. The movie we watched was one I hadn't seen before, and I quite enjoyed it.

It was about a brother and sister who make up a plan to set their dad up with a woman. It made me laugh but it also got me thinking how it would work in the real world and this is where my main reason for not writing comes in.

I have decided to play Cupid!

It may have taken me a couple days after watching that movie to get to this point but with the reaction Jeff gave me that day, let's just say this summer is about to get interesting.

Anyway, I woke up this morning to a note taped to the front of my door from Uncle Jeff saying that he was at the bait shop and would be back later to check on me and make sure that I was ok. He also said that he left the dog at home because he thought I could use the company and because Annie refused to move from her bed that morning.

After reading the note, I hobbled over to Annie to check on her before hobbling to the kitchen to make myself breakfast. Just as I put my hand on the egg carton, I heard a knock coming from the front of the house.

I was hesitant to answer at first but then I heard a female voice say that they had just moved in next door and that she wanted to introduce herself.

I hurried over to the front door as fast as my dumb ankle would allow and when I opened it, I saw Liz. She was smiling warmly at me and properly introduced herself before she handed me a plate of baked goods and crap, did they smell good.

I thanked her for her kindness and invited her in for a cup of tea and a chat. I would have made coffee but since I'm not supposed to have it, I'm not good at making the liquid gold as dad calls it.

While talking with Liz, I learned that she had a little trailer that she turned into a mini bookstore that she was about to open, and she invited me to stop by when I was able to get around easier. I was about to thank her when Uncle Jeff walked through the door.

When Jeff saw us talking, he froze and frowned slightly, making both Liz and I feel awkward. Liz thanked me for the tea and rushed out the door without another word.

I was annoyed at Jefferey for acting so lame when Liz just wanted to get to know her neighbors. We got into an argument and then Jeff stormed out of the house and didn't return until about an hour ago.

I did talk to him about it all when he got home, and he filled me in on so much more than what mom knew and had told me.

Uncle Jeff said that Liz was his person and because of what happened between them, he never got close to getting married after that because he was afraid of getting hurt again. He also told me that he never stopped loving Liz and seeing her now brought back so many memories...Memories that still pained him.

I couldn't blame him. I could see it in his eyes and in fact, the look that he gave me when explaining everything was so sad and I swear it was the same look that Liz gave me when we were talking about friends, boys and the misery of high school.

Personally, I think they miss each other.

All of that said, my mission this summer is to get them together once and for all.

As this mission is so big though, I think I'm going to need Zarah's help; but it's too late to chat now, so I'll have to call her in the morning and begin the planning stages for what I'm going to call Operation Cupid...At least I think that's what I'm going to call it, I'm not sure yet.

Hopefully Zarah can think of something better when I talk with her about everything later.

OK. Bye.

P.S: This mission may be a rocky one, but I think I can do it, especially if I've got Zarah by my side and maybe Mom and dad as well but we'll see about them.

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