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When I say the words 'Boca Raton', what is the first thing that comes to your mind?

Is it white sandy beaches, crystal clear ocean waters, fish and chips, golfing, warm sunshine? Or are you like me and think of Boca as a place people go to after they retire?

If your answer was white sandy beaches, crystal clear ocean waters, fish and chips, golfing and warm sunshine, my uncle Jeff would agree with you.

He always tells me that he loves it there and is glad he moved to Boca because it reminds him of all the holidays he and my mom would take with my grandparents when they were kids and on school break.

At first I laughed when he told me he was moving to Boca because the name alone just sounds hoity toity. Seeing how much he lit up though when showing me the pictures of his new house and telling me all the things he planned on doing, it made me feel bad. He was so excited and I made the choice to be happy for him, despite how I felt about him moving so far away from me.

Well, ok, maybe it's not that far when you fly but driving, it's 10 hours! 10....hours....! Like what?! Anyway, he has been living there for the past four years and today, I'm being 'dumped' on his doorstep while my parents take their 'well earned' holiday or at least that's what they call it.

I wanted to go on the cruise too but when I told them that, they made it their mission to make my face turn redder than a tomato when they explained that they wanted time to 'reconnect'. Yeah, that was a pretty picture.....NOT!

Oh well, they can have it and I get to spend time with my uncle doing things that we both love like fishing off the doc, eating fish and chips by the beach, taking bike rides and taking late night drives while eating ice cream and singing at the top of our lungs and very off key. I can't wait for all of that.

Anyway, before I continue, I guess I should introduce myself a little bit.

Hi, I'm Kenzie and I'm a 16 year old soccer nerd who lives in Mobile, Alabama with her parents, Scott and Tracy Maxwell. I have one cat who is cute but seems to have it out for me like any sibling would, even if they are of the furry kind. Also, I'm currently nursing a bumble bee back to health after I accidently stood on it while playing soccer in the backyard with my dad.....I was barefoot too which hurt a lot. Normally I would beg to take the bee with me but my friend Zarah offered to nurse him for me while I'm with my uncle this summer. She also said she'd send me daily updates on his health and well being.

Let's see, what else can I say, um.....Oh I know, my mom is from New York and my dad is from New Jersey. It's kind of besides the point of this story but they met during a St. Patrick's Day bar party. My dad was a bartender at his parents bar and my mom was stood up by a low life (her words) and rescued by my dad who fell in love with her from the minute he saw her walk through the door (his words).....*insert a kissy face here* *insert sick face here*

I don't think there is anything else to add right now so I should really stop writing and finish showing Zarah the ropes on how to care for the bee, otherwise we'll miss our flights and with how stressed my parents are right now, I'd hate to think of being used as gator chow as a form of punishment for making them late.

Ok, cool.


P.s: I am not looking forward to flying by myself, so wish me luck....I'll need it!

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