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"Stop speeding up, I'm gonna be sick

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"Stop speeding up, I'm gonna be sick." Ran groaned, throwing his head back onto the headrest of the passenger seat.

"Stop complaining like it's my fault." Mochi grumbled, "You're the one who drank like a pirate last night."

It's true. Ran did in fact drink like he wore an eye patch sung sea shanties every 10 minutes. It isn't in fact an exaggeration when it's said he doesn't remember a thing.

"Ugh don't remind me I'm having war flashbacks." Ran held his forehead in his hand like a Medieval child suffering from the plague. He wasn't actually having flashbacks, everything was a blur.

Waking up this morning, the older Haitani was not in his bed, but on his balcony.

It was 10:43 a.m. when he 'attempted' to open his eyes.

Though he had just woken, he felt like his brain cells were having a brawl with one another.

Hangover headache is not for the faint of heart.

It isn't just the headache that comes with the aftermath, it's the constant nausea, regret, and sorrow. He's tried enough alcohol to know that Jager doesn't get him Ke$ha or Pitbull drunk, only Tove Lo drunk.

Rolling onto his stomach, his short lilac hair covered his face. He plopped himself on his forearms incredibly fast, immediately regretting it when he felt bile rising in the back of his throat.

Crawling to the bin under his table with one hand over his mouth, he emptied every last bit of dignity he had left into the piece of plastic.

What have I done to deserve this? he thought, slowly getting up, limb by limb. He was only about 30 and felt like he'd lived a full life, having arthritis.

It took him a total of 4 minutes to just plop himself on his feet without toppling over.

Lifting his eyes which felt like his eyelashes were kettlebells, he looked into the reflective glass of his room's window from the outside.

Oh God.

Shrieking like a little girl when he saw what he looked like, the tall male instantly opened the sliding door and entered his room.

His whole body felt like jelly.

Warm, sticky, wobbly jelly.

His legs and arms felt like they were barely functioning and his mind was everywhere but in him.

His room wasn't half as bad as he thought it would be, thank God.

Though, the efforts it took just to make it to his bathroom was insane. He deserves a fucking certificate for it.

Whenever he gets drunk or hungover, it makes him realize why he never did so in his teenage years. Rin was the biggest party guy ever. He was either out at a party, or brought the party to their place (which Ran didn't appreciate very much). He only got into clubbing and going to strip clubs for two reasons.

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