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Ran was having an exquisite night

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Ran was having an exquisite night.

Compared to yesterday's tragedy which we call a Monday, the past 16 hours have been amazing for him. He didn't have to do any form of paperwork, Sanzu was away with Kakucho the whole day, Rindou didn't eat the cake he left in the fridge, he had his tires replaced, and he didn't have to wake up early.

There was something that had been bothering him all night, a dream he was currently having.

It was a dream about living a normal life.

What even defines a normal life?

For Ran, the lifestyle he's been living up to now is normal to him.

Being exposed to violence at such a young age, he's never really known anything else. His childhood was awful, Rindou was all he had after all.

He'd do anything to protect him.

The dream he's having it feels so.. real.

There was a woman. Her black hair flowed swiftly down her back, the sun beaming on her radiant and pale skin. The echoing of laughter coming from her, and she seemed to be holding someone?

Not just someone.

His child.

The faceless woman dancing around the room in a sage green sundress, matching heels clicking on the marble floor.

He felt himself smile when she turned around, revealing everything but her identity.

The child in her arms, his pale green eyes looking back at Ran with a toothless smile.

Just as he was walking up to the pair, he felt his vision fade to black as his dream was interrupted by a bubblegum princess screaming in his face.


Jolting awake, the two crashed foreheads with each other, resulting with Sanzu on the floor and Ran folded in half.

Groaning and gaining proper consciousness, Ran grabbed his phone from under his pillow to check the time.

7:26 a.m.

He has slept through his alarm...


"Be downstairs within the next 15 minutes, me and Rindou want coffee" Sanzu ordered, glaring daggers at his friend while clasping his now throbbing forehead in his palm.

"Yeah yeah, I know the best place to get coffee" Ran muttered, not in the mood to anger his already fuming friend.

Today's plan was to get up at about 6:45 a.m. since there was no urgent work he had to complete. He invited his younger brother and Sanzu to get his new suit tailored with Sanzu's money, you know, since he threw up on his favorite suit. It wasn't that Ran didn't have 23 other expensive suits to wear, but this was his favorite one. Plus who would turn down spending someone else's money for their own benefit?

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