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A/N - why is he so cute in this i cantttt 😭

A/N - why is he so cute in this i cantttt 😭

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Incoming Call From

"Yo Rindou, what's up?" Ran asked his brother, taking a bite from an apple he got off their kitchen counter.

"Yo, come down to the club in Roppongi"

"I'm good, not really in the mood to go,"

"What the fuck? Since when do you miss out on the club?"

"I'm tired,"

"When are you not?" Rindou scoffed, "Anyways, come down if you change ur mind"

And with that Rindou had ended the call.

The tall male contemplated whether to go or not.

It's 10:38 p.m. now, about an hour and a half since he came back home.

Takeomi, Kakucho, and Koko are in the lounge upstairs and Mikey's most likely asleep in his room since Sanzu had taken him to bed.

Ran was currently sitting at the bar in their kitchen.

He had taken a shower, hair was wet, in house clothes, and not mentally prepared to speak to anyone.

Nah fuck that.

Munching on the last of his apple, he threw the core of it in the trash and walked around the bar.

They had endless amounts of spirits here in the bar, cheap or expensive.

The wine cellar is basically their storage for when they run out of drinks here, they have at least 6 bottles of everything.

Koko had a part of it which remained off limits, for his very expensive collection.

Being a criminal also means doing a lot of things for your job, and I mean a lot.

It can vary, you can be sent off a ship as hospitality, disguised as a security guard at someone's office, or a bartender at an enemies club.

Ran had done them all a number of times.

Grabbing a glass, a muddler, sugar syrup, lime juice, and vodka, he placed them on the bar mat.

Leaning down to the mini fridge, he collected a can of club soda and two branches of fresh mint.

Pouring two shots into the bottom of the glass, he peeled leaves of mint and added them in. Crushing the two ingredients with the metal muddler, he then added two shots of lime juice with ½ a shot of sugar syrup, and the full can of soda.

Finishing off the drink with a few spoons of semi-crushed ice, he decided to take a quick stroll around the garden.

The hallways were never fully dark in the mansion, it was the aura of the mansion which made it look somewhat less like a home.

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