Chapter 6- Jerseys

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Coach drops us home after practice

"Here you go." Coach says hand Charlie and I, our sticks. As we walk up to the door

"Thanks. Thanks for the ride." Charlie and I speak.

"you guys did really well at practice today. Let me ask you guys something. What happened to your dad?" Coach asks us.

"Mom, Kate and I left him." Charlie said. "We don't really remember him but that's what she says."

"You know when I was a boy, I had to take care of my mother too."

"Really, what happened to your dad?" Charlie questions

"He passed away. You do a good job taking care of your mom and sister." coach says to Charlie "thanks" Charlie replies.

Just as coach is about to leave Charlie calls out to him. He walks you and points to something on his shirt. Coach looks down and Charlie lifts his finger hitting Bombay in the face. Charlie Laughs as coach grabs him and pushes him into the snow. Coach then looks to me and grabs be and throws me into the snow and he tickles both of us. I am nearly in tears with laughter.

Coach collected us all for practice and told us to bring our rollerblades. We arrive at the mall, and I see Fulton. Coach walks up to us and introduces us as our new teammate's We are here to teach him to skate. Fulton goes down the stairs of the mall and pushes a woman in to the fountain.

Once Fulton got the hang of it, we went to the rink coach said he had a surprise for us. Coach pulls out a bright green jersey. "The Ducks? We're the ducks?" Jesse questions.

Man, what brain-dead jerk came up with that name?" Peter asks.

"As a matter of fact, I did. But I didn't have a choice. We're being sponsored." Coach says.

"By who Donald and Daisy?" Averman laughs.

"Hey, you don't wanna be Ducks? You'd rather be District Five? Some stupid number?" Coach states.

"Better than some stupid animal." peter says.

"I'll have you know peter. That the duck is one of the most noble, agile and intelligent creatures of the animal kingdom." Coach states.

"But there wimpy." Connie says.

"They don't even have teeth." Guy says after.

"Neither do Hockey players." I say looking over at coach who smiles at me.

"Thank you, Kate." Coach says. "Have you guys ever seen a flock of ducks flying in perfect formation? It's beautiful. Pretty awesome the way they all stick together. Ducks never say die. Ever seen a duck fight? No way. Why? Because the other animals are afraid. They know that if they mess with one duck, they gotta deal with the whole flock." Coach says then pulls of his jacket to reveal a duck's jersey. "I'm proud to be a duck. And I'd be proud to fly with any one of you. So how 'bout it? Who's a Duck?" Coach finishes.

"I'll be a duck." Fulton says walking towards the box of jerseys. Charlie and I look at each other. "Yeah, us too." we say in sync. Everyone starts agreeing to be ducks and get up and walk to the box of jerseys.

*Next Game*

Today we are playing the Cardinals. Hopefully we win. We really need it. As I skate out on to the ice with the team, I see coach take out Football's some of the guys grab a ball and skate to the middle and we all start passing the ball to each other.

I see coach go over to Fulton and then brings him out on to the ice towards the goal. Goldberg moves out of the net and skates around. Coach drops a bag of pucks for Fulton to start hitting and when he does it misses the net but holy it was a scary shot. He shot one into the crowd and then he smashed the glass behind the nets. Thank God has on my team.

The ref blows his whistle signalling game start. Coach gives us some form of a pep talk it was okay. He's getting better. Then he starts to Quack. We all join in after a few seconds each quack getting louder that the last. Finishing off with a Go Ducks! We all skate out hoping for a win.

By the second period we were down 2 to the Cardinals. After a shot on goal for Cardinals. Connie passes to Averman. Averman to Me. I shoot the puck and score. 2-1. The team jumps on top of me. As a player from the other team skates down the ice Karp Infront of him. The player shoots and bang. He hit Karp straight in the head. It dented his helmet. Coach says it's time for the secret weapon. Fulton.

We do a face-off I win and pass it to connie who passes to Fulton. I see the nets clear out and the Cardinal players jump out of the way at the sight of Fulton. He passes back to connie and then to Guy and he shoots and scores. We tied. We didn't lose.  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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