PERCY (2015)

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Percy was sixteen when he received the news from his mother that Finnick was dead. He had been sixteen when he had defeated his evil grandpa and watched demigods after demigods fall in the battle. 

Percy mourned them all but the sorrow and grief he felt as soon as his mother told him that Finnick was dead at only eighteen crushed something within him. He had never gotten the chance to tell the ash-blonde boy about his feelings for him. 

He hadn't even been able to hang out with the Belvedere boy after Finnick and his family had moved to Monaco. And everywhere he went, he only saw the photos of his dead friend. People mourned a person they never knew just because of the name his friend had carried his whole life. 

In a way, Percy felt immense sadness for the boy that never got to be a man. For his friend, he would forever be stuck in his teens just because the old ladies decided to cut his life short.

Percy cried and screamed Finnick's name out loud after he had received the news as if that would have made the young man come back. He cried his heart out on his bathroom floor and when Ariston and Cielle Belvedere came knocking on his mother's door to deliver a letter that Finnick had written to him but was never able to send. Percy broke down for the second time.

When Hera decided to erase his memories, Percy was left wandering the streets and entering Camp Jupiter with two questions. If anyone knew Annabeth and if anyone was able to tell him if Finnick was okay.

When his memories returned, Percy broke down for the third and last time over the young man he never got to tell his feelings about. And for the third time, Perseus Jackson cursed the Fates for being so cruel for taking away one of his lifelines way too early. 

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