PERCY (2013)

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He would be honest. He didn't know what to think. Annabeth was gone. She had disappeared with the manticore and now he was apparently in the presence of Artemis and her hunters. "Just great." He thought quietly to himself. "Just what I needed."

If he thought Thalia hated him, he definitely got a reality check that perhaps she just disliked him because the way she seemed to act around the hunters made him realise that perhaps she disliked them more than she disliked her.

Despite the strong friendship he had with Grover and Annabeth and his increasing desperation of needing to find Annabeth before it was too late, the son of Poseidon couldn't help but think about his other friend, Finnick.

The young rich teenager that he hadn't told anyone at camp that he was friends with. Hades, not even Tyson knew about him. "And perhaps," he thought to himself, "it was better like that."

The thing is, Finnick wasn't his dirty secret but even he knew the chaos that would emit from the rest of the campers if that knowledge ever came out.

The Aphrodite cabin had a whole wall filled with cut-out pictures of his friend pinned and Percy could swear that he once even saw a life-sized cutout board of Finnick standing in the corner of the Aphrodite cabin. The picture where his friend had his handsome yet insufferable smirk on display.

Percy also knew that even the Athena and Demeter's cabin had pictures of Finnick in poses and outfits that he both wished he had never laid his eyes on but also wished that no one but him had seen it.

If going back to the present was a thing, Percy would say that he definitely blamed himself slightly for not being able to convince Bianca Di Angelo to not accept the role of becoming a new hunter of the Artemis, but alas, he was unable to do so. Poor Nico. He couldn't help but think.

When the time had come for Apollo to take them to camp, Percy couldn't help but silently criticise the sun god.

Not because it was a conscious decision but he couldn't help but think that the sun god had the wrong shade of blonde hair colour and that the blue eyes aren't supposed to be blue but instead these warm chocolate brown eyes.

When he thought about it, Percy realised that he wasn't criticising Apollo because he thought the sun god looked bad or was a bad god, but he was judging the god for not looking like Finnick.

"Wasn't that a bitter thing?" He wondered to himself. "To realise that you may hold a romantic interest in your best friend." Percy couldn't help but ask himself whether his type was blonde people or whether his type was blonde best friends.

Either way, that was a crisis he had to force himself to think about at a later time, because at the moment he had more important things to consider, such as saving Annabeth from wherever she currently is being held hostage while also saving Artemis before the winter solstice.

The stressful life of being a demigod while also living the tragic life of a Greek hero. Because wasn't it a tragedy to be the witness of two deaths that had been foretold?

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