28 chapter ( SPECIAL )

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Let's start 😚😘 .......................

Hope you like it 😗 .............

FINALLY today is a big day for everyone ....... Everyone is ready for this day .... Here in the biggest race track everyone is busy in their own works some are checking their cars and some are busy in making Bart about who's going to win the race ......

With red lion team ........

Winner.......... Kim check this out is it okay ?

Kim........... Yes it's good and winner let me tell you this race is important but we are not going to do stupid things to win it understand ?

Winner.......... Yes sir .....

Kim............ Well is dean is going to race ?

Winner.......... Yes he will .... actually p'alan give him a chance to prove himself ......

Kim............ It's good but isn't p'alan already have four racers than ....

Winner............ In this race North is not going to race and in his place dean will go .....

Kim............. Oo Okay .....

Kante........... What is okay wifey ?

Kim............. You late ......

Kante........... Sorry we was having meeting ...

Winner........... We was ?

Kante............ Yes actually today Pete call me to talk about the project which i show him and guess what he finally said yes to work with me on that project ......

Kim............. Really .... It's a good news ..

Winner........... Well congratulations than .....

Kante............ Okay so is everything ready ?

Kim............ Yeah ....

Kante........... Good luck ... ( Kiss on lips

Winner.......... What the .... Hey I'm here too .....

Kim........... Than go and find your dean

Winner.......... Well good idea .....

On the other with X hunter team .......

Alan.......... Okay so is everything ready and is everyone is ready too ??
( Other Lough on him )

Jeff.......... Haha .. p'alan you ask this question hundred times already .....

Babe........... Yes .... And relax you know us we will be the winners .....

Way........................ P'alan babe is right ..

Alan........... Alright than good luck to all of you ... Well dean do your best and don't worry it's doesn't matter if you didn't get first or second position but which matter is the how you do ...

Dean.............. Okay p'alan I will remember it ......

Winner.......... Hello everyone ....

Everyone........ Hiii ......

North........... What you do here ?

Sonic........... North .... ( Hot his arm lightly )  He must be here for his boyfriend ...... Right ?

Dean........... P'sonic .... Hey what you doing here you should be with your team ......

Winner......... I come to say good luck baby ....

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