25 chapter

587 30 11

Let's start 😉😉 .................

At hospital in way's room .... It's been late at night when door get open and Pete get in he saw Alan sleeping on couch peacefully so he turn to way's side and saw way is also sleeping peacefully so without making noise he get close to way's bed and sit while resting his head on bed's head while holding way's hand softly not Woking way up .............

Pete........................... Love I'm sorry i'm late ..... Hope you eat something before sleeping ......  ( Kiss his forehead and feeling Pete's lips way more in his sleep and soon he open his eyes just to see Pete looking at him )

Way............................. When you come ?

Pete.............................. Just now ..... I'm sorry i want to stay and want to take care of you but ......

Way.............................. It's okay ... That's also because of me ....

Pete............................. Nothing is because of you love ... Don't think about anything .... Oh did you eat something ?

Way............................ Yes I eat .... And you ? Did you eat something or not ?

Pete........................... I eat .....

Way........................... Liar ... You didn't ...

Pete........................... Sorry ..... I didn't get time to eat ....

Way........................... Sorry I make you and everyone worried about me ....

Pete........................... I have right to get worried about you my love ......

Way.......................... Pete I'm sorry for what babe did that time ......

Pete.......................... You don't have to say sorry for him way ....... But if you don't mind than can I ask you a question ?

Way.......................... Yes ... Of course you can ask anything ......

Pete......................... Way .... Love I trust you but still  ............... Is there any feel left which you was holding for babe in past ????????

Way........................ NO ( without thinking for a second ). No there is nothing left i completely get over from the love I hold for babe

Pete......................... I love you ......

Way......................... I love you too .......

Pete move to way's face and softly kiss him on forehead first than on his lips . 

Way........................... I want to sleep .....

Pete........................... Ok ... Sleep well .....

Way........................... Can you sleep with me ...... Please ......

Pete........................... You don't have to say please my love ...... ( Get comfortably on bed with way ) Come ..

Way hug Pete tightly and soon went to his dreamland .....

In morning way feel someone is caring his face softly a smile come on his face thinking about Pete but when he open his eyes he get shock and immediately get back ....

Way........................... BABE .....

Babe.......... Relax ... Did i scare you ?

Way........................... Huh ... umm no ... What you doing here this early ?

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