seventh chapter

662 28 9

Let's start 😚😘 ................

Nop........ Mr . Way you can find here and I will see if you forget it in waiting room .......

Way................. Thank you phi ....

Than nop left and way turn back to see Pete is still looking at him ........

Pete................. What you forget ??

Way................ Pho....... Phone ... Mr ......

Pete................ Calling my assistant phi and still calling me Mr . ....... It's not fair ....... WAY ......

Way................ Sorry ..... I didn't mean...

Pete................ So you finding your phone ?? Why ??

Way................ I don't remember where i left it .......

Pete................ It's fine nop will find it ... Come have site ......

Way................ No it's okay ... I will also going to find it so we can find it soon ..

Pete................ Way i said sit nop will find it .......

Pete is talking in his deep voice which was give shivering to way ....... And soon way listen to Pete and sit ..... Pete went to get another glass of wine and give it to way ...... First way hesitate but than he take it ..... And Pete sit beside him little close .......

Pete................ I was not knowing that tonight's weather is going to be this good .......

Way................. We can't control the nature P'pete even if we want .....

Pete................ This is the thing which I hate the most .......

Way................ It's not fair ... I mean if you can't control that doesn't mean you have to hate it .......

Pete................ Way I'm from there where if you don't know how to control than it's you going to be in control so that's why my dad also make me control even from that time where I was not knowing the meaning of control ...... So that's why if something i can't control I feel like to destroy it ....... But ....... You are right there is somethings which is natural that I can't control it just like that ...... Beautiful night ......... 

Way.................. I ..... i didn't ..... Didn't get it ??

Pete................. Way I'm talking about our beautiful night which we spent together .... If i was having any power than I have control that night and never going to let it finish and that is only one reason why i want to hold that night so badly ....... 

Way................. What ...... What is that ??

Pete................ YOU ..... after that night I didn't sleep ..... Even though I always sleep for just 3 to 4 hours but now i can't even sleep for that hours now .... After my mom's death that night was first time I sleep for almost whole night ........ ........

Hearing Pete way didn't said anything because that night he also sleep peacefully after along because  he always gets nightmares about tony and all that things which had happened .......

Pete................. Way ...... Don't take me wrong but .............. Can you stay with me ......... Not in that way ... Just stay by my side ...........

Way unconscious nope his head as yes making Pete smile a little ......

Pete hold way's hand and start walking out of restaurant .... Seeing this nop understand that everything is fine now so he take out way's phone from his pocket ..........

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