Clingy!Gray x Shy!Teen!Reader-Hold Me Closer

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This title took me a bit to write

But here it is, suggested by: @novahedgehog

Key because there are so many things here:

Y/N=Your Name


F/C=Favorite Color(this appears many times)

F/B=Favorite Book

-------------------------------The fitness gram pacer test is a-----------------------

You quietly wander the halls of the airship, relieved after running from  Black. Warchief had your back while running from them, you last saw him running towards them on the main deck with a Taser in his hands.

Walking to the lounge, you pull (F/B) from your bag, reading, before a short gray crewmate who looks to be around your age wearing a purple traffic cone approaches. You try to hide your face, but they sit beside you and look over silently.

"Hello..." they muster their voice to speak to you. They seem to have not spoken much before this, so you wave quietly, introducing yourself with a few stutters. They also introduce themself to you as Gray, one of the impostors on board. But you knew something was a little off there, ignoring it instead.

"So, (Y/N)...what are you doing here?" He asked. You explain to him you were running from Black after they attempted to murder you.

"Oh...that's something you'd see from my father-"

"W-wait...he's y-your father..?"

" never knew?"

You sigh. The last thing you'd expect is to have the most dangerous impostor's son sit next to you.

--------------10 MONTHS LATER AFTER YOU MEET...-----------

It's been a while since you and Gray met, and the two of you are now at the fungle, watching the sunset while trapped in some of the ruins of the skeld crashing.



"Do you think we'll get out of here, (N/N)?"


You look over at him and he looks back. "Well...I guess I'm saying it here...but Hold Me Closer..." Gray mutters.


"W-wait, I didn't mean literally-"

Moving softly to him as close as you can, you softly wrap your arms around him.




"-I guess this is fine.."

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