Pink Impostor X Yellow Crew&-|-Shared Heartbeat

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Suggested by novahedgehog. Sorry, I couldn't add the title you wanted!

This takes place before the two are canonically dating/married

This is put in both Pink and Yellow's point of view, switching though!

Angsty ending warning



Ah yes, Yellow...the charming crewmate at MIRA. He's pretty new here, they just hired him yesterday. He's always brought his kids, Gumpy and Yarlowmando, to work with him after two impostors took one from him almost. I've spoken to him a few times, he says the children's original mother was killed by Black, That's sad.

Though, where was I again? Oh, yeah! It's Valentine's Day up here. I've been writing a card to him for...about 5 minutes now. I don't know what to write-

------------------------------------------------KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK------------------------------------------------


"Alright,'s nothing. Just hand her the card and flowers and it'll be alright..." I mutter

"Yes?" Pink opened the door. I sighed, handing her the flowers and card. She looked surprised.

"Awh...Yellow, that's sweet of you!" She replies. Gumpy and Yarlowmando both try to hide behind me, but Yarlow is still noticeable by Pink.



That's sweet of him to write this card, even if I haven't read it yet. I have to him, closing the door as I open the card.

 I have to him, closing the door as I open the card

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I'll miss him...

MIRA's sending me to Polus, away from him. They know I'm an impostor and they don't want him dead...

They're coming here tonight.

I have to stop them.

They can't stop me from what's right.

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