Chapter 1, Saint Helena's Monestary

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Corrine tended to her books, while running her broom across the floor. Dust flew into the air, illuminated by the moonlight that shone through the clerestory. She hummed sweetly to herself, stomping across the floor as she cleaned. Her long white and black robes rubbed against her legs as she danced. Her humming could be heard throughout the room and down the long hallway accessible only through the door beside her.

She set her broom against the sprawling bookcase, and sat at her desk. She crossed her legs and began sorting the books by dates. "September, 1732", "July, 1520", "April, 1867". She took second long glances at each title and arranged them.

A breeze softly brushed the back of her head. She turned around, silent and confused to find the door at the end of the hallway was open. She attempted to peek into the dark void that hid behind the door, but found herself unable to make out the shape of a person in the darkness.

"Hello?" She yelled from the desk, her voice shaky yet clear. "Is anyone there?" She shifted her position in her chair to focus on her assignment. She hummed to drown out the sense of danger in her stomach, singing hymns from choir rehearsal.

As she nearly forgot about the hallway, the door opened slowly, loudly creaking. The sound of the door filled the silence and echoed through the hallway, and into the room. Chills shot up her spine as she flung herself out of the chair.

"This is no place for hubris, show yourself!" She screamed, her voice now shaking in fear. She began to rush over to the door, candle in hand. She stomped across the hard wooden floor, but the distance from her and the door seemed to grow. She began to run down the hallway, but the door still remained farther and farther away.

Corinne began to panic, her chest tightening. "Show yourself!" She bellowed. She stopped her pace, now staring directly into the darkness.

"Thump, thump, thump" the sound of heavy boots clattered on the floor from the void. Slow footsteps made their way to the door. Corinne, frozen in place watched, her entire body numb in fear.

"Ding" the clock screeched back from the room. She screamed, running back to the room, but she couldn't escape the grasp of the hallway. Her surroundings began to close around her as the walls extended into the distance, now seeming miles away.

Every small wooden crucifix around her slowly scraped against the wall. Corinne watched as they fell to the floor, one by one, rattling as they fell. She knew what this was, evil. The footsteps grew nearer as she continued to scream, tears now pouring down her face.

She grabbed the cross wrapped around her neck and began to pray. "Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name" she sobbed, her voice shaking with each creak of the floor.

"God can't save you now, child" a hoarse and deep voice whispered from the darkness, now standing in front of her, yet unseen. She was lifted from the floor, as if an invisible hand had picked her up, stopping her every movement. She unleashed a bloodcurdling scream as a hand reached out from the darkness, tearing the cross from her neck.

The hand grasped her face, tearing at her flesh. She screeched in pain with a sound no human should ever make. The long talons of the hand dug into her eyes and cheeks. Then, it relinquished its touch, releasing her to the floor.

The Next Morning:

A group of fellow nuns walked up the spiraling staircase, up to the room where Corinne had been that night. "Corinne, you missed morning mass" a nun called from the top of the stairs. She opened the door and stepped down the hallway with her companions.

"Corinne?" She said concern in her tone. Then, out of the moments of silence, one of the nuns screamed, her voice filled with pain. The rest of the group made their way to the end of the hallway and there was Corrine, nailed to the wall. Her feet in the air, and her hands on each side, her head hanging. Her eyes poured bloody tears out onto the floor, leaving a puddle underneath her. In the pool of blood, was her necklace, the last remaining piece of Corinne.

Four Days Later:

The sound of trains filled the air. The noise of chatter and the smell of burning coal filled Elizabeth's senses. She rubbed her bright blue eyes, and adjusted her coif over her dirty blonde hair. "Where are you headed miss?" The Ticketmaster muttered, writing down her name in the records. "Saint Helenas Monestary" she said confidently. His face narrowed, staring her down, but he did as she wished.

Beth boarded the train, heading to the place of Corinne's demise. She knew not what to expect, but the evil lurking there could not be ignored. She was confident in her abilities, but the darkness lurking was greater than she could even imagine.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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