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Season 1 episode 13


This chapter comes with more dialogue! So sometimes, or rarely you'll see this time of format for dialogue:

(  Kai:Hello, Lloyd!
Lloyd: Hi Kai!  )

This also kind of diverges from Canon( Or the original Ninjago story goes)

(Meaning dialogue isn't one to one for the series that much! So expect more dialogue to be different than the series from now-)




"The Defeat of the Great Devourer."

"You must do everything in your power to stop the Great Devourer. Go Ninja, Go." Sensei Wu instructed the Ninjas before getting swallowed up by the Great Devourer itself.

Now with the Great Devourer awoken and unleashed onto the world. The Ninjas need to find a way to defeat it quickly before it destroys Ninjago city!

The Ninjas all backed away in fear as the very much large serpent breaks it way up from the ground and hissed with the thundering skies producing lightning emphasizing the great threat upon them. Known as The Great Devourer.

It shall linger on this land until it's hunger is satiated. Yet, it is never satisfied. It's hunger is never gone.

All Ninjas tried to retreat as take Wu back with them. But Wu was very stubborn. He said something about 'It is our destiny' to Pythor.

It was his destiny to get eaten with Pythor by the Devourer?

"WAIT FOR ME! WAIT." Jay yelled as the Great Devourer tried to chase the Ninjas. Despite its long length it is large, meaning it's slow because of its weight.

The Ninjas had no choice but to retreat without their mentor, running back to the bounty. "We need to gather up.. Does anyone know how to freaking defeat a large serpent?" Kai exclaimed asking the others while in a state of shock and panic with their instincts telling them to run.

Lloyd, Llyra and Nya already got to the bounty with the help of the mech X suit.. Effectively getting the engines on so they can fly fast no problem.

Lloyd and Llyra immediately looked out if the Ninjas were near the bounty. "Fire up the engines...!" Nya panickedly instructed as she goes to the control panels. "I SAID. Fire up the Engines!" Nya repeated to the twins which they heard it now loud and clear immediately going to the panels.

Llyra points to Lloyd the data on the screen. "Uhmm... There's no wind. And we only have reserve fuel." Lloyd exclaimed to Nya. "Use it." Nya replied proceeding to a more calmer state.

Ninjago: Lloyd's Twin Sister, "The Beginning Of Our Legacy" [BOOK #1] Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt