It's Been Years Since I Last Saw You...

Start from the beginning

"Tsukasa-kun!" Rui said urgently, grabbing Tsukasa's arm.

"What is it?" Tsukasa blushed at the sudden contact.

"Look! Doesn't that look like Saki?" Rui pointed at the girl, who had now turned around and made her pink eyes visible to the troupe.

Tsukasa froze before sprinting over to the girl, breaking Rui's grip on his arm.

     "Come with me!" Tsukasa said to Rui without turning around.

"Ah—Tsukasa-kun!" Rui chased after the blonde.

"Rui-kun! Where are you going?" Emu cried as she ran after the two as well.

"SAKI!" He shouted at the stranger. "SAKI, IS THAT YOU?"

The girl's head whipped around as she searched for the source of the voice. When she spotted Tsukasa, her eyes widened and she began to run to him as well.

"TSUKASA!" She yelled back, her arms outstretched as she ran.

When the two finally met, their arms each wrapped around the other. They both began to cry just as Rui and Emu managed to catch up, Shosuke arriving a second later. On Saki's side, two adults, one man and one woman, came up behind her with smiles on their faces.

"Saki!" Tsukasa sobbed into his sister's shoulder. "I thought you were dead..."

"I thought you forgot about me!" Saki said at the same time. "But you didn't! Oh, I can't believe I finally found you..."

"I would never forget you!" Tsukasa squeezed Saki. "Never! Not even after—uh... T—Twelve...? Yeah, not even after twelve years!"

     The woman that was standing behind Saki placed a hand over her heart.

Saki giggled softly. "You're still the same as I remember..." She choked.

     "Of course I am!" Tsukasa said.

     "Aww!" Emu placed her hands on her cheeks and she whispered to Rui. "And Nene-chan's missing all this!"

     "She wouldn't want to see this," Rui murmured back to Emu. "She'd pretend to gag."

     Emu giggled softly.

Rui was taken by surprised when he got tackled by Tsukasa, who trapped him in a hug.

"Rui, thank you so much," Tsukasa said, giving Rui a small peck on the cheek. "Thank you for telling me Saki was here. You could've just dismissed it, but you didn't!" The blonde squeezed Rui tighter. "I love you so much."

     "I—I love you too, Tsukasa-kun," Rui said, his face turning red. "And, no problem."

     He told me he loves me. I mean, I know we've said it before, but that was one time!

     Then again, he must be feeling extremely emotional. He did just find his sister after years of thinking she was dead.

Rui tensed up as Shosuke gave him and Tsukasa a weird look. In response, Rui shot the man a sideways glare.

I'm sorry, did you need something, you homophobe?

     "Oh, Saki!" Tsukasa let go of Rui and turned to face his sister. "Let me introduce you to my friends!"

Saki peeked over Tsukasa's shoulder at Rui and Emu. Emu began to wave her entire arm with huge motions with a wide grin on her face.

     Tsukasa's sister glanced back to the two strangers that were behind her. The man said something in a different language, and after hearing it, Saki went over to Tsukasa's side.

"That's Emu!" Tsukasa pointed at Emu. "She's super nice and I'm sure you two would get along perfectly! She's part of a band I'm in.

"And that's Rui," Tsukasa pointed at Rui, who smiled at Tsukasa's sister with a wave of his hand. "He's also in the band. He's crazy. He explodes little children."

"Hey!" Rui frowned at Tsukasa. "Seriously?"

"But didn't you just kiss—" Saki began, confused.

"AHEM HAHA NO NEED TO BRING THAT UP," Tsukasa interrupted her loudly. "Anyway, I was just joking, Rui. You seriously expect the first thing I tell my sister about you is that you're crazy and that you explode children?"

"It was the first thing you told her," Rui crossed his arms. "I just can't understand why."

"Well, normally, I'd gush, but you're here with me so that would be—" Tsukasa cut himself off, his cheeks turning pink. "Wait, did I seriously just tell you that?"

Rui chuckled at the look on Tsukasa's face. "I won't judge. I'd gush, too, except I'd do it even in your presence."

Saki looked from Rui to Tsukasa. "Your friends are nice, Tsukasa," She said, clearly not knowing what to say.

"Thank youuu!" Emu said, her eyes gleaming. "You're super nice too, Tsukasa-kun's sister!"

Saki smiled at Emu. "Thanks, Emu! You can call me Saki."

"Oh, Saki!" Tsukasa caught Saki's attention again. "Let me tell you how Toya's doing! I'm sure you've been wondering how he is."

"I have!" Saki eagerly nodded. "Tell me!"

"Heck yeah!!" Tsukasa took Saki's hands. "He quit classical music! He does street music now. He's in a musical group, too!!"

"You have to tell me about your group later!!"

"I will! I'll get you caught up on everything!!"


     Rui smiled as he watched the two siblings. They'd been apart for so long, and they both looked so happy to have found each other again.

     Plus, the look on Tsukasa's face is too cute.


yippee guys shes back!!

Word count: 1379

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