Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

A Place to Live

I will meet you at the dinner and take you over myself. Both girls went back to the motel and fell asleep in no time. They both had a long and tiring day.

Cora get up we have to meet Jessie and we dont want to keep her waiting.

Im up Ill be ready. Her body didnt move, and her eyes closed again. Piper was used to this, knowing her friend was not a morning person.

You get up or you will get watered. Im going to the bathroom to get it. The sound of the water running had Cora jumping out of bed.

You better stop doing that to me. I hate when you wake me up pouring water on me.

It works doesnt . Piper doesnt get the whole sentence out and she is in the bathroom throwing up.

We are going to have to take you to the doctor and let him find out what is wrong with you. Piper washed her face then brushed her teeth for the second time this morning.

We can go after we see if we have a place to live.

Are you up to looking for a place, you look bad this morning.

It will pass shortly; I will be fine. Mornings are the worst. They go out to the car and drive to meet their knew friend. Hi Jessie.

Stay in the car and follow me. She hops in her car taking off with them right behind her. They are at the apartments in seconds.

I didnt think you would make it after the late night we had. You dont look to good this morning; you didnt even drink last night. Piper was pale and holding her stomach.

I have had a stomachache, I dont know what it is, it comes and goes. It will pass shortly.

Come on this is my apartment. Lets go inside and get some tea it might help your stomach.

This is a nice place. I like how you decorated it.

Thanks Cora. Most of the stuff came from a secondhand place. I dont have a lot of money, but I do my best.

Jessie walks in with three cups of tea. Its hot drink it slow. I hope it helps.

It is helping some put we have to find a place; we better get moving. They leave Jessies apartment and go to the office.

The office is on the end of this line of apartments, follow me I will introduce you guys to Mason. After you meet him, I have to get back to work.

We appreciate what you are doing for us. Thanks a lot. Pipers pale face was getting better. She wanted Jessie to realize how much they both appreciated her help.

She was right, the office wasnt far from her place, and it took no time to get there. He is a nice guy you wont have a problem. She knocks on the office door.

The door opens to a handsome man in his early twenties with dark brown hair and the most unusual grey eyes. They looked like they had a storm in them, the water was tossing and turning giving his eyes swirls of different shades of gray. Hi Mason, these are the two young ladies I told you about.

Its nice to meet you come in.

You are the man that helped me at the gas station and mini store.

The young lady that was asleep in the car. Piper smiled and nodded.

I have to go; I dont want to be late to work. Jessie gives each of us a quick hug and runs out the door.

Have a seat. Jes said that you wanted a place to live.

Piper sits up tall in the seat. Yes, we have found jobs and are looking for a place to stay.

Is it just the two of you?

Yes, just the two of us.

Most lone wolve are males. Females have a habit of not surviving this type of life. I also know that you are running from someone or something and before I let you stay here, I need to know what it is.

Were not running. Cora tells him. He tilts his head and looks at her like really do you think I am stupid.

Then you tell me why you are lone wolves.

I think we will look for somewhere else to live. Piper takes Coras arm and starts to leave.

You can look all you want this is the only place in town. If you are worried, I will say something dont, I have no use in getting involved in your lives. With that being said, I have a little sister and a mother I will not put in danger. I need to know if we can handle what comes with the two of you.

Cora whispers in Pipers ear. I think we have to trust him, he seems like a nice guy, and he is only worried about his family.

Piper looks at him then Cora, she sighs. I dont want others to know what happened. Athena what do you think of him?

He has a nice wolf, and he isnt lying so give it a try you can always leave if he is a big mouth.

I am going to trust you, but it has to stay here. He nods in understanding. Our old pack is small and wanted an alliance with another pack, a much larger pack.

Can you tell me the names of these packs?

Not yet, first I want you to know the story before I give you the packs. Mason nodded for her to continue. We had a large party to welcome the other alpha to visit and sign the paper. He said that he wanted to have dinner with me. Our alpha told me to make him happy any way he wanted. The other alpha was not a nice person, he wanted other things than just dinner. I told him that I was not even 16 until the next day and wanted to wait for my mate. He then said I did what he wanted, or he would take out our pack. His pack was much larger and had a lot of his men there. Pipers eyes are getting glassy. Cora rubs her back. The next morning, I went to go home he sent men after me, he said he wasnt done with me, and I had to be punished for leaving and being mouthy. Piper is in tears now.

Cora, seeing the pain Piper was in takes over. Look he left her on a bed in the field bleeding and then had the nerve to come back and send for her two weeks later. He brought his men to the party he requested. All he wanted was to give his men the girls to have fun with.

Your alpha didnt try and stop this?

The mean alpha had a lot of the pack in a safe room and said I the women didnt cooperate that everyone in the safety bunker was going to die.

Piper stopped crying and started again. I talked him out of taking all the others. I couldnt save her or me. His delta took Cora. She stops taking a deep breath. He took me again.

Still your alpha did nothing. What kind of alpha is he?

Piper interrupts holding her stomach. Where is your bathroom.

Third door on the right.

Cora explains as Piper runs down the hall. She has been having stomach problems for the last three weeks or so.

Piper comes back Im sorry. I seem to have a stomach problem.

What happened when he was done?

He did the same thing except instead of hitting me he made my Alpha banish me. He said if anyone helped me or went to find me, he would have them killed. He isnt looking for me he just didnt want me around.

I had a class trip and snuck out to stay with her, so she isnt by herself, and after what happened, I didnt want to stay there and be looked down on.

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