Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Her Nightmare Returns.

Tell your alpha that my delta and ten of my men will be attending the party and we expect to be well entertained all of us.

I will tell him Alpha Monroe. The man runs as fast as he could and tells Alpha Marcus what Alpha Monroe had to say. Alpha I gave Alpha Monroe the message and he told me to tell you, he wants his men well entertained.

What does he mean well entertained?

I dont know Alpha. That is what he said. Him his delta and ten of his men need to be entertained.

I dont like the sound of this. Make sure all the children are in the safe house and their mothers, along with the elderly. Just to be on the safe side. Also make sure the warriors are on standby.

Alpha Monroe has his men all around us in larger numbers. He brought more than he did last time.

Beta Williams I dont like any of this and have a feeling he is going to take out this pack tonight. Get Nash Young he knows more than any of us do when it comes to fighting.

Beta Williams knocks on Nashs door. Nash the alpha wants to talk to you.

I will be right there. He goes inside to see his wife. The alpha wants to see me stay inside and wait for me.

What is going on?

I dont know but I dont like it.

When he goes to the Alphas office he finds he is at the party waiting for Monroe. He walks to the party. You wanted to see me alpha.

Nash come over here. We only have twenty-five warriors, Monroe has at least fifty men here. My men said it is more than last time and he is acting different.

No alpha he has seventy-five warriors and whoever he has in the tent with him.

Thank you, Beta. He made a comment that he wants him his delta and ten of his men well entertained. Then he had his men circle us in.

He is up to something. What I think he is going to do is allow his men to take the women for the night. He is hoping you will attack him, and he will have a reason to take out the pack. Nick is trying to figure out a way out of this.

That makes no sense he could just take us out without all these games.

He offered you an alliance and other packs know about it. It will make him look bad if he just attacks you without a reason. He doesnt want the council called in.

That sick son of a bitch. We cant let him get away with this. I dont know what to do? We are not strong enough to fight him, and if we dont, he is going to take a dozen of our women and use them. Just as Alpha Marcus says this Alpha Monroe comes up to the three of them.

Good evening gentlemen. I am looking forward to the entertainment this evening. I would like to know that putting your children in the safety bunker was very kind of you. It will make it easier to rid us of this pack if you decide to fight us.

Alpha Marcus is fuming at this point. We are not going to fight you. You are here to listen to some music. Unless you have other intentions.

Ten of Monroe's men show up. I want you to take these two men to the bunker with the children and make sure they stay there until I tell you to release them.

Why are you taking me I am not a warrior?

No but your daughter is on that stage, and you have to choose between listening to me or your wife dying, she should be in the bunker by now.

One Day Monroe you are going to fall, and I pray I am around to see it. Nash and Beta William walk off with ten of his men knowing once again they had no choose.

Alpha Marcus let us go and enjoy the show. The two walk off with Monroes delta Ross. The pack not knowing what was going on started the party. Monroe had ten of his men walk around with the pack members.

Ladies and gentlemen, our favorite singer has come to entertain you once again this evening. Would you all greet Piper and her friends.

Piper didnt introduce the others, just started singing and dancing with Ryan.

Our mate is so talented. I wish we could keep her so we could hear her sing.

Dont get started again. You agreed what we had to do.

Look at our mate she is flirting with that boy. Both Monroe and Demond were pissed. How dare she dance and sing with him like that.

I will punish her for doing that to us. When the show was over Monroe looked at Delta Ross. Did you pick one for yourself?

The one on the stage with the short hair is pleasing to the eye. She would do nicely.

Alpha Marcus would you invite the two ladies to come over please.

He gave Monroe a look that could kill as he walked over to Piper and Cora. Piper would you and Cora please come with me?

Where and why? Cora says with her eyes getting glassy.

The alpha and his delta want to see you both.

You know what he wants, and you are sending us there.

Piper, he has the children and your father and mother in the safe bunker and his men are going to kill them if I dont let this happen.

Wait you want me to be with one of them? Cora is so scared she is shaking.

I dont want any of this. He has ten of his men in the party and they are taking one female for each, and I cant stop them. I am a failure as an alpha. Cora, your parents are going to die if you dont go or he is going to let them take you back to his pack. I am sorry.

Piper I cant do this I am not as brave as you. I will fall apart if he touches me.

Let me talk to him and see if I can talk him out of it. He might listen to me, I dont know. Cora listen to me, you are stronger than you know and you know you wont be alone, I might not be there but all you have to do is think of someone or something else and not think about what is happening. You have trained with me, and dad remember show no fear even if you are scared to death, they feed off your fear.

I can do this with you. Cora is half in tears. I dont want anyone to die. Piper takes her hand, and they walk over with Alpha Marcus.

Nice of you young ladies to join us. Come we will have dinner and enjoyable evening planned.

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