Chapter 8: Going Home

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Fang's mother nodded repeatedly, "Don't worry, we will handle it ourselves. After we finish the discharge procedures, we will inform the traffic police and won't trouble you anymore. If they really find you and ask about the situation, just tell them the truth."

Upon hearing Fang's mother's words, Chen Lei readily agreed, "Alright."

Fang's mother bowed deeply to Chen Lei, "Dr. Chen, thank you, really thank you very much."

Fang's mother knew that this was the same doctor who had performed the surgery on her daughter before.

He looked young, probably not even thirty years old, but she asked the nurses and they all said that Dr. Chen Lei was known for his medical skills. It was thanks to him that Yunyun's life was saved.

It was only right for her to bow to him.

But Chen Lei quickly stood up and helped her up, "Auntie, you're too polite, there's no need for this. Saving lives and helping the injured is just part of my job as a doctor."

Fang's mother smiled, "That may be true, but we are truly grateful from the bottom of our hearts. We deeply appreciate everything you have done for us family members and the injured."

As a doctor, Chen Lei felt warm hearing Fang's mother's words.

Doctors and nurses were most afraid of dealing with unreasonable and rude family members.

If every family member was as easy to talk to as Fang's mother, it would make their job much easier.

Fang Yun had been invisible, following closely behind her mother.

She watched as her mother successfully completed the discharge procedures, and the mother and daughter left the hospital together.

When they reached a secluded corner, Fang Yun was afraid of attracting attention, so she didn't remove the invisibility charm from her body.

She whispered to her mother, "Mom, call and ask my brother if he has left yet. If he hasn't, tell him not to come and we'll just take a Didi car home."

Fang's mother nodded, "Okay, I'll call and ask him now."

While Fang's mother was calling Fang Zhanpeng, Fang Yun took out her phone and sent a voice message to the handsome traffic police officer, Xiang Jun, on WeChat.

"Mr. Xiang, hello! I'm Fang Yun. My master just came to pick me up and he can cure me. If there are any developments in the case, please send me a message on WeChat or call me. I'm counting on you, thank you!"

After hearing Fang Yun's speculation about the murder, Xiang Jun had been investigating the surveillance footage of the driver and confirmed that he had been waiting near Fang Yun's company early in the morning.

After that, he started investigating the recent financial transactions of the driver's accounts.

There were no large deposits in the driver's account recently.

But there was a deposit of five hundred thousand in his son's hospital account, which was used for the treatment of his son's leukemia.

Xiang Jun then investigated the source of this money and found that it came from a very well-known charity foundation.

He went to the person in charge of the charity foundation to inquire.

The person in charge of the charity foundation said that it was a difficult case assistance fund that the driver had applied for before his death. They felt sorry for the driver and his son, so they allocated five hundred thousand for the treatment of the driver's son.

These things seemed seamless.

But Xiang Jun always felt that something was off.

Just as Xiang Jun was contemplating how to proceed, he received instructions from his superiors, stating that although there were suspicions in this case, they couldn't find any evidence, so for now, they would close the case as a drunk driving accident.

As for the injured Fang Yun, the driver's bank card still had around twenty to thirty thousand yuan, which was all transferred to Fang Yun as compensation. If Fang Yun still had any problems, Xiang Jun would comfort her and make sure she didn't have any psychological burden.

Upon hearing the instructions from his superiors, Xiang Jun felt a bit frustrated.

He tried to negotiate with his superiors, asking for more time to investigate.

But his superiors said that there were so many cases now, and they couldn't let him focus on just one case. They told him to investigate other cases tomorrow.

Xiang Jun didn't know how to explain this to Fang Yun.

Just at that moment, he received a voice message from Fang Yun.

After listening to Fang Yun's voice message, Xiang Jun thought for a while and then replied to her with a text message.

"Miss Fang, hello! After our investigations, we haven't found any evidence to prove that the driver committed intentional murder. We can only close the case temporarily as a drunk driving accident."

"In addition, there is still over twenty thousand yuan left in the driver's account, which will be transferred to your account as compensation. When are you available to come to our bureau and sign the documents? I will explain the situation to you in detail."

After reading the message, Fang Yun chuckled.

She showed the message to her mother.

After reading it, Fang's mother couldn't help but curse out loud, "You've only been in the hospital for a day and a night, and they're already closing the case? Are they not ashamed of themselves for being so careless?"

Fang Yun was calmer than her mother.

She comforted her mother softly, "Mom, don't worry. I'm sure that this car accident of mine was definitely not an accident, but someone trying to kill me. I won't let this go. After surviving this ordeal, I'm sure the person behind the scenes knows as well. If they want me dead, they will definitely try again."

Hearing this, Fang's mother became even more worried, "Oh dear, what should we do then? Yunyun, why don't you stop working outside and come back home with us? We'll take care of you."

Fang Yun hugged her mother's arm and coquettishly said, "Okay, I was just thinking of going back home to recuperate. From now on, I'll be a freeloader at home. Don't you dare complain about me."

Fang's mother smiled at her beloved daughter and said with doting eyes, "No complaints at all, we just want you to stay at home and spend time with us."

Fang Yun gave her mother a tight hug and said, "Mom, you're the best. I love you so much."

Fang Yun's talk of being a freeloader was just a joke.

Even if her parents were willing to support her, she didn't want to rely on them for her livelihood at this age.

Her parents owned over a hundred acres of orchards.

In these years, her family wasn't rich, but they weren't poor either. They had built a small countryside villa, bought a car, and her parents had several hundred thousand yuan in savings.

Fang Yun thought about her education at the Agricultural Science and Technology University, her Ph.D. in Biological Science, and now the fortunate opening of her personal space. If she didn't make good use of her advantages and develop at home, it wouldn't be justified.

She wanted to use her knowledge and the resources in her personal space, such as the spiritual spring and medicinal herbs, to lead her family onto the path of prosperity.

She also wanted to take good care of her parents, her brother, and her uncle and aunt who had always cared for her, so that they could all live long and healthy lives, full of blessings and longevity.

As the mother and daughter were happily talking, Fang's mother's phone rang.

She saw that it was her son calling and immediately answered, "Pengpeng, you're at the hospital entrance? Okay, wait for a moment, I'll be right there."

(End of this Chapter)

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