Zuko: Love heals

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A/N: This character comes from the anime, Avatar.

A/N 2: I know I haven't been active in almost two month, but I'll try to start writing again <3


Imagine that he's everything you despises, arrogant, cold, mean, not to mention the Fire Nation prince. You think he must hate you too right? Why wouldn't he? You're a waterbender, a rebel, a freedom fighter. But then why does the way he looks at you feel so strange... 

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<<<(Y/n's P.O.V)>>>

"Let go of me you son of a..." Before I could finish that sentence I was thrown in the cage. 

"Shut up filthy waterbender. Be happy you're still alive. It's that the Fire Lord had other matters to attent to, or else..." We were once again interrupted. 

This time a boy around my age entered the dungeons. "Who's making all this noise so late?!" He sneered. My eyes narrowed curiously. There was a lot of bandage around his head and his left eye was covered. The guards instantly bowed. "I'm sorry my prince. We found a group of rebels of the water tribe at some outposts. We took care of all of them and taken their leader into custody." I hissed angrily when they mentioned they killed my friends. 

"He deserves a worse fate than death."

The prince did a few steps forwards and scanned me up and down. I glared heavily at him, before spitting in his face. He did not like that. Before I knew it, he tightly grabbed my arm. His fingers ignited in hot burning flames. He said nothing while he just looked at me. 

I stared him dead in the eye while he held my arm tightly. It burned like hell but I couldn't let him know. Yet I couldn't help but to let a small whine escape as the fire kept surrounding my flesh. 

"Prince Zuko!" A strange voice said. "What are you doing with the prisoner?" He suddenly blinked and let go of my arm almost as if he was in shock. He looked guilty? No that's not possible. He's the Fire Nation prince after all, one of the bad guys. 

I instantly did a few steps back and held my hurting arm with a hiss. While Zuko was scolding at whoever disturbed him I channeled all my water bending to heal my arm from the huge burn mark. This didn't went without notice. Two Fire Nation guards came towards me, but Zuko stopped them and allowed me to finish my healing. He just watched? I had no idea why. 

With a quick shook of his head he turned around and left the dungeon without any more words. I sat down with a big sigh. I knew coming here was a mistake but I had to do it. Justice for the many water tribe members which died by the Fire Nations hands. We had such a good plan. Blow up a few of their outposts and then return home. Unfortunately things didn't got the way we planned. We got caught and they killed a few of my friends. Only thinking about it made me furious. 

I placed my hands on the bars of the cell. I had to find a way out. I dug my nails in the iron. I just had to, for my people. Their deaths could not be in vain.

<<<(Zuko's P.O.V)>>>

"Why are you still here Zuko?" I rolled my eyes. "I know uncle. I'll be gone by daylight." My uncle let out a sigh. "That's not what I meant..." I knew what he meant, but I could never admit it. 

So instead I turned towards out new prisoner. That waterbender, who is that? When we touched... I couldn't explain it, I saw something in his eyes. It was a type of fire which matched the Fire Nation soldiers. Not to mention his powers. This wasn't my first encounter with a waterbender though, yet he was different.

"I thought healing that powerful was a myth." My uncle shook his head. "Only the most powerful waterbenders can do that." Of course I've heard about the ability for some women to heal even the greatest burns, I just didn't think there would be any more left alive who could do that, considering that most waterbenders have been killed. 

"I want to take him with me." I suddenly said, breaking the silence. My uncle stared confused at me. "The waterbender. I want to take him with me."

Even though my uncle didn't say anything if could see that he didn't understood me. "His healing skills, the way he healed himself from..." I paused. I knew it was pathetic what I was about to suggest. It went against all my pride and loyalty towards the Fire Nation. "Maybe he can ... you know..." I didn't dare to say it but I softly touched my hurting eye with a loud hiss. 

I shook my head and quickly turned around and walked away. "Nevermind... It's a stupid idea. There's no way a waterbender would ever help a someone like me..." I whispered to myself. 

~~~A few hours timeskip~~~

<<<(Third Person's P.O.V)>>>

It was in the middle of the night when someone came down from the stairs. Y/n head lifted slightly. He hasn't been here long, but long enough to know it was unusual for someone to visit him at night time. It was an old man with a beard. He wore Fire Nation clothes, so Y/n could only assume he was one of them.

To his surprise the Fire Nation guy opened his cage. "Come with me." And he grabbed his arm. Y/n instantly pushed him away. "Who do you think you are? Let go of me!" 

"I'm Iroh and my nephew needs your help." It was a short and confusing sentence but it was all he could say right now. The Fire Nation guards are never too far away, so they had to hurry. "Just trust me." Iroh said with the kindest smile he could. 

Of course the waterbender didn't believe a single word of it. He couldn't blame him. The Fire Nation wasn't exactly his friend. When he threatened to scream, Iroh saw no other option but to knock him out. 

"Sorry..." He whispered while he carried the unconscious waterbender towards their ship.

Even though he knew what he was doing was considered as betrayal by the Fire Nation. He also knew this was the right thing to do for his nephew. If it was true that this waterbender could heal perfectly like that, maybe just maybe he can give some of Zuko's dignity back by healing his scar. It gave Iroh a bit of hope, hope they desperately needed. 

"Uncle... where have you been and who is that?" Zuko pointed towards the unconscious waterbender. Iroh laid him down on the ship. The young prince gasped slightly when he came closer and saw who it was. "You helped a prisoner escape?!" 

"Come now Prince Zuko. You're making it sound worse than it is. He's still a prisoner of the Fire Nation, we just moved him a bit." 

Zuko rolled his eyes towards his uncle and just stared at the waterbender. He looked so different from the Fire Nation men. So much more elegant in a way he couldn't describe. With a big sigh he carried Y/n towards the sleeping quarters. 

He stared awhile at the boy after he laid him down in a bed. When the prince pushed a string of hair out of rebels face, his fingers gave a strange tingling feeling. It gave him a hot feeling, the same temperature as when his father burned him. Only this type of hotness didn't hurt him, it actually felt kinda pleasant. He quickly retracted his hand and turned around. 

The young prince had no idea what this was, but it surely couldn't be good for him, could it?

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Hi everyone,

Please comment, vote and follow me. Check my other stories too.

Also if you want a part 2, just let me know in the comments.
Thanks again for reading this, it means a lot to me 😊

x Starberry
© This is 100% written by me!
I do not allow copies, translations or reposts of my work.

Word count: 1318  ✦  10.05.2024

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