Dear Diary: the Beginning

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Before I go into my story, it's best if I start before I and my siblings were born and go into partially mom and dad's story.
Grandma was battling cancer since mom was little. Then her dad got sick or into an accident and died before my mom was even 10. Leaving mom cancer ridden grandma and like 5 other children.  Before Grandpa died, he asked my grandma's nurse to stay with grandma to take care of their family. So his children became moms family, and then mom had 10 siblings.
She was closest with her dad, so she took it the hardest. When she was only 13 grandma, she was trying to marry my mom off to (what she didn't know back then) was my dad's cousin.
At some point, she went to her best friend's house where she met her best friend's uncle, whom she fell in love with. My father.
My father, a 27 year old married man, had an affair and groomed my at the time 13 year old mother. Right before she turned 16, she got pregnant with my sister. My grandmother forced my father to merry my mother. If he did not divorce his wife and marry my mother, then he would go to prison for rape. At some point, she did turn him in anyway, but at that point, she was already married to him, so mom and dad ran away from Texas and ran to Tennessee.
That was my mom's story, now time for my dad's story. My dad's dad was an alcoholic piece of shit. He was vicious beat and sexually abused his daughters to the point where my aunt had to bash his head in with a brick to stop it. To my knowledge, my Mimmi tried to protect them, but she also got beaten down, too.

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⏰ Última atualização: Mar 24 ⏰

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