4. "Delinquent Diciple"

Start from the beginning

Casey shoves him off of him and Sam falls back to the ground. "Calm down, will you?! No, I did not show anyone the letter. People just think I have a secret admirer. It's nothing, and it's not even the first time." He leans closer and smirks, that crooked smile. "No one would ever suspect it being you.. It's fascinating, really. You have a strange taste." He fixes his posture, standing up straight again.

Sam remains on the floor.

"Now," Casey clasps his hands together. "I feel it is necessary that I make your place known since you don't understand how serious I'm being. Spreading the word of my 'secret admirer' I felt wasn't enough of a punishment." Casey taps his chin, staring at Samson's eyes. He squints for a moment. "Would you mind if I made you stop hanging out with your friends for some time?" Casey asks.


"You've gotta stick with me, be my shadow for the rest of the day."


"Just 'cause. It's not that bad, so be grateful. You just might see a few kids get beat, that's all."

The real motive behind the "punishment" was a bit different from what Casey originally would do. He wanted Sam to stick with him because he wanted to get to know him better. Throughout middle school up until now Samson was just one of those cocky big-ego loud immature athletic bastards who kept his grades up high for the sake of being able to play their sports. He had a lot of friends, and he had a lot of admirers because he was good at basketball. He sought him out as a target in middle school because to Casey, Sam was a challenge. Sam knew how to fight, he was built, knew his stuff, and wouldn't take any shit from anyone. He'd seen the way he'd fight back when picked on by other kids.

He thought of trying it himself.

Samson reacted completely differently. He didn't resist the bullying and took it.

Now he knew why.

Sam likes him.

Now, he wants to understand why.

Casey doesn't think too much of himself. He never did. He's well aware of himself being a horrible person. He doesn't see himself changing anytime soon, though. Not without a little help.

Samson got up on his feet, staring at Casey with much uncertainty. Some relief, as the deal wasn't that bad. He'd willingly take time off from his friends. "I'm sorry." He says. "Please don't do anything further, I was just embarrassed."

"-And scared." Casey adds.

"Embarrassed." Sam repeats, disregarding Casey's comment. It was true. He looks around. "So what? You're gonna make me skip class or something?"

"Yes." Casey concluded and shrugs. "Come with me."

Samson trailed behind Casey, trying to peer at him from the back. He was wondering what exactly went on in that boy's head. He'd slightly open his jaw to say something, hesitate, then give up, lasting it with a sigh.

"If I skip class I won't be able to go to practice today." Sam says. "Same goes for yo-" Sam's words fumble as he remembers football season isn't going on right now. "Sorry, nevermind. You don't have practice."

Casey continued forwards without looking back as he spoke. "You're risking practice for the sake of that dumb letter."

It's not dumb... you're dumb.

"Have some faith in yourself, kid. How controlling I am over you really only depends on you." He shrugs, turning a corner to where a staircase was, he approached the underside of it, where there was a group of a few boys. "Skipping again, are we? Are the hall monitors this lazy?"

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