chapter 29 - relaxation

Start from the beginning

"are you in a car or something?" he asked.

"what do you mean?"

"What's that buzzing noise?"

"oh, that's neil. listen," Dylan whispered before going silent, allowing Kai to hear Neil's purring.

"ho-ly! he sounds like a jet engine, what are you doing?!"

"rubbing his back while he's laying on top of me," Dylan smiled before the purring suddenly got quieter, causing Dylan to look down and see that he stopped rubbing his back and quickly resumed, making the purring to its original volume.

"kewl. Thanks for giving me Neil's side, I'll let you get back to whatever you were doing. See ya tomorrow!" Kai waved off before hanging up. Dylan sighed and put his phone back on the nightstand, took out his earbud and put it away. He went back to giving the cat he held dear his undivided attention. The scene was so peaceful that he ended up falling asleep.

kai POV -

Kai put his phone away and looked at simon expectedly, waiting for him to say something.

"That's not valid evidence. You didn't even get the yokai I supposedly recorded!" Simon defended.

"Oh really? Then what about the fact you posted it on instagram?"

"I never posted anything like that."

"Then why do I have a screen recording of the video being on your account?"

"You faked it. Plain and simple."

Kai felt himself reeling to punch him again before he flattened out his feathers and took a breath. Bryson said that in arguments, he should try and get the yokai he was arguing with to accidentally confess to what they were claiming against. Kai could do that, but not when he wasn't thinking completely straight.

"Then show everyone your instagram account."


"Why not?"

"Because it's not important."

"Well considering there are multiple rumors going around about him, i think it's very important."

"Look it's not my fault he does heroin, that's his problem."

"Where did you hear he does heroin? He's never done heroin in his life!"

"Someone at school told me."

Kai pointed at him. "What. a. Coincidence. Because that was one of the rumors that people were spreading thanks to your video. So do you have something to share with the class?"

Defeated, Simon pulled out his phone and tapped on the screen a bit as kai looked over his shoulder, and low and behold, there was the video on his account.

"And you can't delete it right before you show them either."

Simon glared at him as he handed his phone to the pastor, who immediately saw the video and started to give him a tongue lashing. Kai stepped back and watched in satisfaction as simon was scolded by both the pastor and his parents. Once his family was finally let go, kai's parents bashed him for attacking simon.

dylan POV -

(ok, this part gets really weird. don't ask what i was smoking while i wrote this)

when he woke up, Neil had moved the both of them onto their sides and was hugging his neck and left arm. dylan's tail started wagging as he felt Neil's chest vibrate as he purred. After a few minutes, the american shorthair looked up at his boyfriend.

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