Chapter 14: Convicted

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Auditor's Base, PA...

The Auditor was having all the fun in the world experimenting with his new plaything. This mere mouse was proving quite the warrior. Not only has this mouse been decimating its fellow rodents, but it has also proven capable of beating owls, snakes, and grunts. While none of those were particularly impressive, it was interesting to see such a lowly creature fight out of its weight class.

However, there proved to be just as many negative developments as well which proved rather cumbersome. The little rodent couldn't fight for long periods of time and it seemed to be suffering from some ailment. At first it was nothing but fatigue, but then the mouse started bleeding from the nose, then vomiting up blood, then suffering from seizures, and finally violent convulsions. This would all be very sad to watch for the Auditor if he actually cared about the lives of others. A minor annoyance, but at the very least it could prove useful to know for later. Anyways, he had better things to do than-


...On second thought, it could wait. The Auditor calmly walked over to his holographic globe and sure enough, there was another surge of that unknown energy. Keeping his signature stoic gaze, the Auditor decided to see if he could finally catch the source of this energy. Quickly, teleporting to roughly the exact location, he looked around only to see...nothing. Just a plane falling out of the sky.

Enraged, the Auditor began wildly throwing Nexus Bolts around which ended up causing some patches to form in the storm cloud.

Wait, storm cloud? If it was a storm cloud why wasn't he feeling any rain? The Auditor looks around in confusion before turning his head upwards.

"Well would you look at that."

There was a decent-sized hole in the cloud that reached high enough to have the sun poke through. While that was certainly a mildly impressive display of power, the Auditor was still very frustrated with his failure to obtain the information he wanted. He teleports back to his base before slamming a fist on his desk as he continues to plot on his invasion and world domination schemes.
The Next Day...

Adam awoke on the cold bathroom floor. He's dizzy and wondering why he's lying there. It barely takes him a second to recuperate and remember his little vom fest. He's angry, confused, and somber a what is happening to him. He doesn't know what's going on or what to do about it.

"Man, for once can I just have a break."

The tired boy grabbed his phone and trudged to the couch. Just as he was about to sit down and evaluate his life, he felt a buzz. He grabs it out of his pocket and sees a text from Kapi.

"Ay bruh, wanna hang out at the arcade?"


Boyfriend puts his phone back in his pocket before driving out to the arcade.

"Maybe this will take my mind off of things."
The Phantom Arcade...

"...and that is all of Undertale's lore." says Kapi while absolutely shredding on the dance pad.

"How in the hell did you memorize all of that?"

"How did you memorize all of the Dearests' songs?"

"...Fair enough."

Soon enough Kapi finished his dance sessions and found himself at the top of the leaderboard. Boyfriend gave an impressed whistle at the score.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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