Chapter 7: The Sky is Falling

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Now that I've got your attention, if you have any fan theories or suggestions for future chapters, leave them down in the comments. Anyways onto the actual chapter now and oh boy this one is looooong.
The Next Day...

Boyfriend woke up to the morning light shining right in his face. As he reflexively shielded himself with his hands, he sat up as he rubbed his eyes and yawned. He looked over to see if his girlfriend was there, and to his surprise she was missing from bed.

"Huh, usually I'm the one to wake up first."

He got out of bed and stretched before putting on his trademark outfit and walking into the living room. There he saw Girlfriend talking on her phone to someone.

"Mhm. Yeah. Alright, sounds good. 'Kay bye!"

Girlfriend hung up and turned around only to be startled by Boyfriend being there.

"Oh, hi babe. I didn't notice you there. I was talking to a friend and we agreed to meet up at Music Park tomorrow." Boyfriend only replied with an eye rub and drowsy puzzlement.

"Music huh?"

"Music Park, y'know, the park off of Melody Motorway?"

"Oh yeah, yeah I know what you're talking about now."

"Anyways, I was wondering if you could come with me to meet her."

"Yeah, that sounds great."
The Next Day yet again...

"Blue. Are you almost ready to go?"

"Hold on, I'm almost done getting dressed."

Now that fall was here, they decided to put on some heavier clothes to compensate for the cooler weather.

Boyfriend had on a blue hoodie with the exception of the chest down which was white, dark blue pants, and brown sneakers. He went to put on his signature cap only to notice something off with it, there was a star on the side panel. Not really caring, Boyfriend put it on anyway before going off to say goodbye to Ritz.

Girlfriend on the other hand was wearing a red shirt with a heart-shaped opening on her upper chest, she wore a black jacket over it and a blue skirt. She finished putting on her calf socks and black slippers before tying red ribbons onto her socks and into her hair.

Boyfriend walked back from the guest room and took Girlfriend's hand as they walked to the car.
Music Park 12:00pm...

Boyfriend and Girlfriend walked down the sidewalk of the park with a bench in the middle. Girlfriend seemed to recognize the person and called out to them

"Hey! Over here!"

The person on the bench swiveled around to face Girlfriend with a wave. Said person was a girl with cyan-blue hair matching Boyfriend's, wearing a white shirt with a check mark...that looked very similar to Boyfriend's favorite shirt, wearing blue shorts resembling, you guessed it, Boyfriend's, and finally black boots. Boyfriend noticed the girl had a bandage on her nose, her lower right leg, and had her upper left thigh wrapped in them. She also had pink eyes and was wearing a black necklace with a cross on it.

Boyfriend held an odd sense of familiarity in two ways. Firstly, he felt like he had seen this person there before somewhere but he couldn't place where or when. Secondly, it reminded him of a certain fangirl that used to pester Boyfriend to almost no end.

"She kind of looks like Sky. Oh god, I just got the one off my back, I don't need a new Sky in my life."

Seeing as this person was a stranger to him, Boyfriend did what he usually did with MOST strangers (that aren't assassins).

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