The double date

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"Alright lets go pick up Gon and Summer" Killua says starting the car up. "Do you know where Summer is right now?" I say giggling a little. "Oh crap I forgot she doesn't live with me and Gon".

"Can you ask her for her location?" "Mhm!" I say and I call Summer. "Hello?" Summer says. "Heyy Summer , you mind driving to Gon and Kills house?" "I dont mind but why?" "Arcade" I say laughing nervously.

"Y'all couldn't tell me beforehand?" Summer asks. "Well we just made the plans". "Ok fineee I'll be there in 20". "Okk bye Summer". After we hung up me and Killua leave to his house.

*30 minutes later* We pull into the driveway and I see Summer's car. "Ok good Summer is here" Kill says. "Let's gooo , I want to see the car". "Dang Y/n , Im supposed to open the door for you" Killua yells as I run into the house.

"Heyy guys" I say waving at Gon and Summer. "Hola Y/n" Gon says waving back and coming to give me a hug. "Umm absolutely not!" I say stepping back. "WHAT DID I DO??" Gon says confused.

"Corona virus is still in the air , 6 feet apart" I say laughing. "Anyways where is killua??" Gon asks. "I'm here , Y/n left me" Killua says panting". "I'm sorry" I say chuckling. "Why we all here though?" Gon asks.

"Gon I just told you" Summer says annoyed. "Ohhh nevermind I remember now" he says. "You stay forgetting everything" Killua says. "Not too much on me , but when we leaving?" Gon asks. "Right now unless yall not ready" I say.

"Trust me and Summer been ready" Gon says. "Then let's go" Killua says and we all walk outside. "My car has enough seats, but who about to drive? Causee I'm not" Summer says. "I'll drive" Gon says.

"Hell no , Your not allowed to drive ever again" Killua says. "Why?" I ask giggling. "He almost killed us the other day driving to McDonalds" "First off I didn't almost kill us , and on top of that it wasn't my fault that lady was in the way".

"Yes it was" Killua says putting his hand on his forehead. "I'll drive then" I say getting into Summer's car. "Oooo I forgot how nice your car is".

"HOLD ON I CALL PASSENGER" Gon yells. "Boy you're sitting back here with me" Summer says dragging Gon to the backseat. *25 minutes later* "Finally!" Gon says complaining. "Gon I will come back there and do you one , keep playing".

"Chillll" he says getting out of the car. "Oh ok" I say rolling and eyes and getting out of the car. "Cmon y'all , I didn't do all this driving for nothing" I say and Summer and Killua get out the car.

We walk in to get our game cards but of course Jackson is here. Out of all places he's here. Was he following us? Ok now I'm creeped out because there ain't no way this is coincidence.

"Hey y'all, funny seeing you guys here" Jackson says smirking weirdly at us. "Uhh hey?" I say nervously. "Who are you?" Gon says. "I'm Jackson". "Ohh cool , but we gotta go". "Wait like leave?" Summer asks.

"Noo like go play games"Gon says pulling us away from Jackson. "Ok let's go get our cards". After getting our cards we separate into two. "Baby what you want to play first? Kill asks me. "Baby?" "Baby?".

"Huh?" "Are you ok?" "Killua look" I say pointing. "What the hell" Killua says. It was Jackson staring at us. "Killua I'm scared". "Don't be I'm going to handle it". "Aye bro , what's your problem?".

"Huh , me?" Jackson ask. "Yes you , You keep staring and being weird". "So what's the problem" Killua asks Jackson. "To he honest your the problem" Jackson says starting to frown. "What how?" Killua says looking confused . "Y/n will be mine but there's one problem, YOU!!"

"Omg Killua!" I yell. It was too late though Jackson knocked Killua out and dragged him out the building . No one noticed but me which was weird because I literally screamed not even a minute ago.

I started to panic , How could I help him if he was gone? I think to myself. "Summer , Gon!! I need help!!" I yell hoping they would hear me. "Where are they?"


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