Chapter 3: An Inviting Home

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as they hopped out of the car and closed the vehicles doors, obama slightly widened his eyes.
"your house is quite beautiful in such a quiet, almost abandoned neighbourhood. does anyone even live here?"
sangwoo chuckled, "only about two people, which are never here, so its technically just me in this area. its calming, really."

sangwoo opened his house with his keys and welcomed obama in, "if you here any noises please dont worry. i keep my dog in the basement, and hes quite big..."
as he finished his sentence, he locked the door.
"really? i do love dogs, id love to see him.. if thats okay, ofcourse."
sangwoo slowly blinked and replied. "unfortunately he does throw up after seeing new people. you know how dogs are, getting all excited.."
obama nodded and sighed, "yes, yes.. my dog sunny is the same..."

sangwoo nodded while wrapping his arm around his shoulder, leading him into the kitchen. "shall i make us dinner? i can follow my mother's cook book."
obama agreed, "that would be lovely..."

as sangwoo pulled the chair out in a loving manner for obama to sit in, he couldnt help but blush a small bit.

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