chapter twenty-one

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WHEN LAUREN PULLED up the footage of the incident involving Max and Charles, she ended up flabbergasted. Watching Charles so riled up did things to her that she was ashamed to admit. Something about men being furious did it for her. Still, she was angry with him for taking matters into his own hands. Violence wasn't the answer. After the video stopped playing and the screen went black, she still couldn't peel her eyes off the screen.

'Laury, are you still with me?' Christian's voice brought her back to reality. After spending the night for check-ups, Lauren was released from the hospital. Christian didn't think twice before scheduling a meeting when he heard about her release.

'I'm with you. Sorry, this whole ordeal still baffles me,' 

'You're not the only one. The entire world has something to say about this. You're a great driver, but boy are you a PR nightmare. I'm so tired of having to sit down with you when there's footage of you in inappropriate settings involved,' Christian pinched his forehead. Lauren blushed, recalling the memory of her embarrassing encounter with Charles in the garage.

'I didn't cause this, Christian,' Lauren said disbelievingly, 'Max ran me off the track, remember?'

'He did, which is what brings us here today. We need to talk about the team dynamic. Max will join us in about fifteen minutes. I had you come in earlier because I'd like a private conversation with you first,'

Lauren groaned. 'He's coming too? Why didn't you tell me?'

'Because I know you wouldn't have agreed to sit down with him. He doesn't know you're here either,'

'I'm sorry, Christian, but you had no right to trick us like that. Max could've killed me. He purposely turned in on me,'

Christian huffed. 'Look, Lauren, I'm sorry you went through that pain and trauma. You have to realise though, that you're driving for the best team on the current grid. Consider that a privilege. Crashes happen. It's an extreme sport. If you can't handle it-,'

'Don't finish that sentence,' Lauren growled, 'don't you dare finish that sentence, Christian,'

'I'm just say-,'

'Don't interrupt me,' she ordered angrily, 'you asked me to help out your team when you were in a crisis. I gladly accepted the opportunity. Not only did I take the leap, but I've also done a better job on track than Checo's done all year. I'm consistent and fast. On top of that, I don't take disrespect very lightly,'

Christian quieted down. You could hear a pin drop. It remained silent for a good 30 seconds when he finally spoke. 'You're right about everything. I think I was just too focused on Max. He was our priority before you joined and Checo was okay with that. When I hired you, I honestly didn't expect you to do nearly as well as you're doing now,'

'If I'm hearing this correctly, you hired me because you thought I was a safe bet who wouldn't be in Max' way,' Lauren concluded. Her heart dropped. She was stupid enough to think Christian had hired her because he genuinely believed in her.

'I knew you were good. I knew you'd earn us some points. I just didn't expect you to become a threat to Max,' he said in all honesty. Lauren looked at the grey-haired man in front of her with great disgust.

'Is that really such a bad thing? You don't think it's good for the team to have two competitive drivers?'

'It's a danger to our team's stability. Yesterday's crash is the perfect examp-,'

'The crash was my fault,' a scratchy voice admitted. Lauren looked up to find Max leaning against the doorframe, an apologetic look on his face. The first thing she noticed about him was his visibly swollen nose. Underneath the bandages, you could clearly see a massive bruise forming. Charles had truly done a number on him.

 'Is anyone going to let me finish my sentences today?' Christian complained, 'Welcome, Max. Please join us,'

Max tentatively took a seat in the leather chair next to Lauren's. It felt weird to be in such close proximity to him. To think someone she loved and considered a friend could've stabbed her in the back with such ease. 

'I had a feeling she'd be here,' Max muttered, sending Christian a pointed look, 'I have to say I usually don't like being set up, however today I'm happy Lauren's here,'

Lauren tried to bite back a sarcastic comment. She was frozen. She nervously ran her fingers through her hair.

'Did security search you before you came in?' Lauren blurted out humourlessly. 

'I'm not plotting to harm you, Lauren,' Max sighed, 'I'd like to apologize for my actions if you're open to it,'

Lauren managed to get out a surprised hum of approval. That was enough approval for Max to continue.

'I've had some issues in the past as you may have noticed. I can get too competitive and lose total control of myself. Yesterday, I didn't even think about the fact that I was hurting you. You were just another car I wanted out of the way. I didn't realise the consequences of my actions until your boyfriend quite literally knocked some sense into me. I thought of calling you but I was too embarrassed,' Max stopped speaking to catch his breath. At this point, tears were already streaming down Lauren's face. The two looked at each other with terribly pained expressions.

Lauren's heart crumbled. She truly didn't know how to react to the words spilling from her teammate's mouth.

'I'm going to leave you guys alone for a bit,' said Christian as he awkwardly got up from behind his desk. Lauren didn't even hear him exit. Tears were still clouding her vision.

'I'm not good with emotions or apologies for that matter, but what I'm trying to say is that I really love you, Lauren. You've bettered our team and provided me with a challenge ever since you stepped foot in our garage. Kelly adores you. Penelope talks my ear off about you. Above all of that, you're one of the few people I genuinely consider a friend,' Max was gutted. He was having a difficult time expressing himself.

'Max, as touching as your words are, they're just words. Believe me, I'd love to patch things up but how can I be sure to trust you again?'

'I'll need to earn your trust. Christian doesn't know it yet, but I've scheduled a press meeting through Zara. I want to take accountability for the crash and apologize publicly,' Lauren was in shock. A shiver slowly ran down her spine. The past two days felt like such a fever dream and she really needed a break. She watched as Max nervously tapped his feet. She avoided looking at his face and the product of her fake boyfriend's fist.

'I suppose that would be a good start,' she muttered, wiping at her eyes with the sleeve of her sweater. She tried her hardest to collect herself, but it stung—all of it.

'I'll give you some space from now on,' said Max, his voice sounding significantly more determined after Lauren approved of his suggestion, 'you can reach out to me whenever you feel like it. As for the press release, Zara will contact you,'

'Good,' Lauren couldn't spare him any more words than that.

The rest of the conversation was less emotional and more business. Christian was surprised by Max' willingness to apologize. Lauren was glad that they switched to practicalities. By the end of the meeting, she was entirely drained. She just wanted a break. Lucky for her, she had the perfect distraction one call away.

a/n happy easter loves <3 consider this chapter a small easter treat. i told y'all i wouldn't turn max into the villain. i think you guys are going to love the direction I'm taking the next few chapters in hehe ;) 

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