chapter eighteen

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CHARLES AND LAUREN HAD gone out for dinner together. They'd been civil to each other. Charles occasionally grazed her hand when people spotted them and Lauren pretended to stare into his eyes lovingly. It felt weird, faking something they naturally possessed. The whole night felt like a circus. It was one of the few proper dates Lauren's ever went on, yet something was missing. The drive home was also off-brand, silence overtaking both of them.

'I'm going upstairs,' Charles had muttered when they walked inside the apartment. Lauren felt a pit in her stomach. She was losing him.

'Good night,' she muttered.

'Night,' he said back.

Lauren poured herself a glass of wine before also going upstairs. She grabbed her cigarettes and opened the door to the balcony. The sky was beautiful. She reached into her purse, discovering she still had the lighter Charles had lent her back in Monaco. She caught herself smiling. Her phone buzzed. Her girlfriends were texting her about the many headlines already popping up. Photos of her and Charles were spreading rapidly.

She opened a BuzzFeed post.

#Levans is real and we have proof!

It was a photo of Lauren draping her arms over Charles' back in an attempt to take revenge on him for drowning her. Without thinking, Lauren forwarded the article to Charles.

At least the cooler last name is more prominent for our ship name

Lauren heard footsteps emerging from behind her. She turned around to find Charles shirtless, wearing the sluttiest pair of baggy shorts a man could wear. She internally cursed herself for checking him out.

He sleepily smiled up at her.

'We share a floor. You can easily come up to me instead of texting me like some idiot,' he stated, being his insufferable know-it-all self.

'I'm sorry, King Charles. Next time I'll contact you per owl,'

'No need to, I'd rather you don't contact me at all,'

'Really?' Lauren crossed her arms, 'then why are you here?'

He came to her. He could've just texted her back— or not responded at all.

'I've been thinking about our conversation earlier,' Lauren interrupted him.

'You mean the conversation you couldn't finish because you were acting like an annoying baby,'

'Yes, that conversation,' he crossed his arms, flexing his biceps. Lauren's gaze caught the swift movement. How she'd love to run her fingers over those beautiful veins on full display.

'Alright, go on,' Lauren swallowed hard.

'Let's set those rules if you want them so badly,' 

'What changed? You were so angry earlier when I suggested the contract?' Charles' eyes dropped to her lips. He took a step closer. He rested his arms on her shoulders, gently turning her around. Her back was now facing him. His fingers found the zipper of the dress, which she'd successfully managed to zip up herself earlier, only unzipping it would be a struggle for her.

'I realised something after spending the entire day with you today,' his voice was a mere whisper as he unzipped the dress ever so slowly, 'I can't trust myself around you, Evans. I could make you feel so good,'

His words sent shivers all over Lauren's spine. He placed a soft kiss on her neck. Lauren melted under his touch, craning her neck for him. Her body betrayed her. She wanted more. And just like that, it was over. He let go of her.

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