chapter eleven

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LAUREN AND RUBY were getting ready in Lauren's room. Celebrations were in order after Lauren's spectacular win in Spain. Ruby was sat behind Lauren,  armed with a curling iron. The bed was covered in clothes and makeup products.

'So have you gotten laid yet?' Ruby questioned, trying to make eye contact with her friend in the mirror.

'This again? No, Rubes, I haven't,' Ruby made a sound of disbelief.

'So you're telling me in this testosterone-ridden environment, you haven't managed to find a hot driver to sleep with,' Lauren bit her tongue. Out of caution, she decided not to tell Ruby yet.

'It's not a matter of finding, I could get with the entire grid if I wanted to. It's just that I care too much about my career,' Lauren lied.

'Well, I suppose we'll just have to find you a hot stranger tonight,' Ruby ran a hand through Lauren's curls.

'No, absolutely not,' Lauren set herself free from Ruby's hold.

'Well, my spidey sense is telling me that it's happening tonight,'

'It's not,'

'Yes, it is,'

'It's not,'

'Yes, it is,'

'God, I should set you up with Lando. He's just as annoying as you are,' Ruby frowned curiously.

'Who's Lando?' she asked.

'You'll meet him tonight. Quick heads up, he might ask us to kiss,' Ruby let out a loud laugh, circling her hands around Lauren's waist.

'We can make that happen, baby girl,' the ginger whispered in her friend's ear. Lauren swatted her away.

'Stop that, you douchebag. You're confusing me,' Lauren shrieked.

'Yeah, I have that effect on people,' Ruby winked.

'The boys are going to adore you,'

'Not like I adore you,'

'Stop flirting with me, I swear to God,'

'Right, I have more important stuff to do, like getting  you in this gorgeous dress,'

Ruby Brown was a model. She was also Lauren's rock after her father's death. They had a mostly long-distance relationship. They could go months without seeing each other, but whenever they were together it would feel like they'd never been apart. They had that genuine kind of friendship you see in movies. No jealousy or rivalry, just genuine good vibes.

'What the hell. Where did you get this? It's beautiful,' Lauren gasped, holding up the burgundy dress.

'I did a shoot for Ferrari a while back,' Lauren dropped the dress. Charles would come out tonight too. She couldn't be caught wearing a Ferrari piece.

'You're kidding,'

'I'm not,'

'Well, I can't wear this,'

'Why not?'

'I just can't, Rubes,'

'At least put it on first and then decide,' Lauren sighed. She knew Ruby wouldn't give up. She'd force Lauren into that dress herself if she had to. It fit like a glove. When Lauren turned around, Ruby gasped loudly.

'I could fuck you right now,' she blurted out.

'What did I say about hitting on me?' Lauren smoothened the fabric and checked her reflection. The dress was gorgeous. It had a seductive v-neck and its length was comfortable. The fabric stopped 4 inches above her knees. It was both hot and classy.  'I feel like an expensive prostitute,'

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