Chapter 34

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As Azriel and I stand before the foreboding entrance of the River House, the weight of our impending meeting hangs heavy in the air like the oppressive heat of a dragon's breath. Anxiety coils in my chest, matching the tension in Azriel's demeanour, though he masks it well beneath a facade of calm composure. His touch offers a fleeting reassurance, but it does little to ease the knot of apprehension tightening in my gut.

The River House looms before us like a formidable beast, a place of power and judgement where Azriel's family and friends await our arrival. Their opinions and acceptance are uncertain, shrouded in the shadows of doubt and fear that dance around us.

For me, the prospect of facing the Inner Circle feels akin to entering a dragon's den – fraught with danger and uncertainty. The mating bond that binds Azriel and me together is still a mystery, its implications vast and unknown. While part of me yearns for the connection and intimacy it promises, another part fears the consequences of such a binding commitment.

I glance at Azriel, noting the furrow in his brow and the tension in his jaw, evidence of the inner turmoil he too wrestles with. Will his family embrace our bond, or will they view it as a threat to their established order?

Standing on the threshold of the River House, I can't help but long for the peaceful sanctuary we found in the solitude of the cabin. There, amidst the tranquil embrace of nature, we were free to explore our connection without the weight of judgement or expectation.

But now, as we prepare to face Azriel's family, I know that our sanctuary is but a distant memory. The road ahead stretches long and treacherous, littered with the unknown dangers of familial scrutiny and societal expectations.

Summoning my courage, I take a deep breath and steady myself for what lies ahead. I pray for a mellow response from Azriel's family, though I know the chances are slim. Whatever awaits us inside the River House, I resolve to face it head-on, with Azriel at my side. For better or for worse, our journey together has only just begun, and I am determined to weather the storm, even in the heart of the dragon's den.

"Ready?" Azriel's voice is a soft murmur, his hand resting at the lowest part of my back. It's a gentle touch, not pushing me forward but rather anchoring me to the present moment. I've noticed this tendency of his before, back at the cabin and now here, the subtle inclination to reach out and make contact, as if ensuring I'm still here with him. It's a gesture that speaks volumes about his need for connection, for reassurance.

As we stand on the threshold of the River House, I feel the weight of his touch, a grounding presence amidst the uncertainty that swirls around us. His fingers linger against my back, a silent promise of support and solidarity. It's a small gesture, but it speaks volumes about the depth of his care for me.

I glance up at him, catching the faintest hint of concern in his eyes, masked by his usual calm demeanour. But I know him well enough to see through the facade, to sense the underlying currents of apprehension that ripple beneath the surface.

Together, we step forward, crossing the threshold of the River House and into the unknown. But as long as Azriel's hand remains at my back, as long as his touch lingers against my skin, I know that I am not alone. And somehow, that knowledge gives me the courage to face whatever challenges may come our way.

As we step into the dining room, the cacophony of voices greets us, with Morrigan and Cassian's booming above the rest. The great table dominates the room, but most of the occupants seem engrossed in their own conversations, paying us little attention. That is until Nesta's voice cuts through the chatter like a blade.

"Don't you two just look cozy," she remarks, her tone sharp as she stands to my right. I feel a sudden freeze in the air, though I try to maintain an air of nonchalance. Azriel's hand presses more firmly against my back, a subtle gesture of solidarity that only I can feel. But Nesta, ever perceptive, catches the subtle shift in our body language, her keen gaze honing in on us.

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